Friday, April 29, 2005

i can't believe the movie is out today and i can't go.

and by next week, if i bring a towel to the movie i will look like such a wannabe.

Your Personality Coefficient score is 16.

You are perky, chipper, and always ready to help out with advice in a crisis. You will do anything to make your friend's lives easier, but tend not to prioritise tasks well. Most people despise you, as you have absolutely no concept of when to keep your mouth shut.

Sirius Cybernetics Corporation feels that your personality would be ideally suited to being a Shipboard Computer.

todd and i are having a lazy night. after we watched 28 minutes of yojimbo, we decided we needed naps. now we're watching fear factor. and not seeing the damned movie.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ok, the are inquisitive animals.

Speaking of kids, my boy has developed an interest in collecting coins. I don't know if it's frugality, or just a general interest. His favorite money is Canadian. He also like wheat pennies. So, if you find any interesting coinage along your travels, please think of my son. This weekend we're going through his coin book to figure out what he has left in it to collect.

I have no idea what curious buddies are. Apparently I'm going to have to investigate this one to keep up.

I actually think that's about the best personality profile I've ever had done!

Genuine People Personalitator

Your Personality Coefficient score is 16.

You are perky, chipper, and always ready to help out with advice in a crisis. You will do anything to make your friend's lives easier, but tend not to prioritise tasks well. Most people despise you, as you have absolutely no concept of when to keep your mouth shut.

Sirius Cybernetics Corporation feels that your personality would be ideally suited to being a Shipboard Computer.

Share and Enjoy!

Exit Personalitator

what a good one!


"Look, I'm up to here with cool, OK? I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am so hip, I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis. Now, will you move before I blow it?"


"It's the wild colour scheme that freaks me. When you try and operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background a small black light lights up black to let you know you've done it. What is this? Some kind of intergalactic hyperhearse?"

LTL, you should be aware that, if, for some reason, your movie plans are twarted, you can go with Snoop and myself next weekend.

Well, I had a pretty non-eventful evening. Went to GG's for a short visit, had a cocktail with Lovely Leigh, watched Seinfeld, came home and crashed. I was BUSHED from working all day I guess. Anyway, today I'm working and doing laundry and trying to think of something fabulous to have for dinner. When are you guys leaving?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

how about Eli, it's almost like liam, I'm sure you can make a girls name out of it too.

I'm so THRILLED about McGill. Montreal is so much fun and such a nice city. Congratulations!!!!

hhgttg fun and games

click the link above to be instantly transported to quizes, screen savers etc. My brain's better than I thought - I got 8 out of 10 on the EASY quiz. I haven't tried the more difficult one yet.

...and another thing. Will someone please tell Kelly Clarkson to get OUT of my head!!!! That friggind "since you've been gone" song won't go away.

How about Violet, it's in because of the incredibles AND it's your gread grandmother's name. She WAS everyone's favorite grandmother. JK suggests Holly Hunter.


well, leigh, if you can get it done in a week i'll wait until next weekend, but that's the best i can do. I want to see this one on the big screen.

We DO need to have some kind of blog event. It's been such a long time. And yes, we can have a HHGTTG geek fest when it comes out on dvd. Zaphod Beeblebrox, is that they guys name? I've been trying to think of it all morning.

I wish I could go. I'm trying to convince JK that he wants to go with me on Friday. I will definitely be taking a towel of some kind.

bridge report:

Bridge was at Suzanne's last night, hosted by Helen. Orlie didn't play because he was too tired. The night before, he stayed up all night thinking about his Tivo and why it wouldn't work. The cards were great for me for the first two rounds, then they fell off a bit, but came back for the last one. I got a grand slam in no-trump AND had a hundred honors in the FIRST HAND!!!! I won a box of napkins, because I got High, because I got high. Lill had low, (car tissues and a bird wind chime) and Lora got goose (travel size tissues). I guess the theme was paper products. I also got a bonus prize of cinnamon graham crackers. The treat was date squares of course. The snack was popcorn. Next week bridge will be at Gram's.

LTL - how much of a geek will you be at the movie? Will you be taking a towel?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i hate towns without movie theaters and psycho neighbors.

i always said that if i had a daughter, i'd name her emma leigh. well, i'm not gonig to have a daughter, obviously, so you can take it.

but then damned friends woman named her daughter emma and that ruined it for me.

how about rosie

...or Hazel I still like Liam II and I think if George Foreman can do it so can you.

How about Charlotte? or Emily?

...and besides all that, having people on your street like you is completely arbitrary. It's not like you have interviews with the people on your street before you buy the house to make sure you're compatible with them. You can only hope that you can be civil with them if you HAVE to, anything more than that is all gravy as far as I'm concerned.

OH I forgot to announce my big breakthrough. It's not rocket science or anything, but I've finally figured out how to create very basic custom macros in Autocad. This will allow me to make my own buttons and toolbars and hopefully willl really help productivity here at the eng. co. I know this doesn't mean anything to most of you, it's all gibberish, but it's a really big deal to me because JK has been asking me to figure it out for 3 years.

You're just lucky you're basically self-sufficient. At least you don't care if none of them like you. The problem is you're just superior. Anyway, on a lighter note. I'm so happy that it rained for two days because now my field is all green and the chickens look so pretty running around in the field. Even JK comments on how lovely they look. I can't wait till the flowers start blossoming.

I need to go to lincoln though, don't know if I'll be back or not. It's bridge night you know?

You're just lucky you're basically self-sufficient. At least you don't care if none of them like you. The problem is you're just superior. Anyway, on a lighter note. I'm so happy that it rained for two days because now my field is all green and the chickens look so pretty running around in the field. Even JK comments on how lovely they look. I can't wait till the flowers start blossoming.

I need to go to lincoln though, don't know if I'll be back or not. It's bridge night you know?

I'm going to see Laura Cook today - so I should have a definite yes or no about E.S.S.

The next official Suzanniversary meeting will Be Wednesday April 27, at 8:30 p.m. on yahoo messenger. message me (rackil) if you would like to attend.

WW - prepare for a driveby sometime this week or this weekend. I have some stuff to drop off to you and I need tea.

Monday, April 25, 2005

i refused to see the ladykillers when it came out in the theater. the guy i used to see sometimes who is dead to me now wanted to, but i stood my ground.

i will never have to buy soap again. i keep acquiring it. i have at least 4 bars of soap, a full bottle of shower gel, and about a hundred sample sizes. but i love it all and won't give it away.

i'm excited for my new purse

i refused to see the ladykillers when it came out in the theater. the guy i used to see sometimes who is dead to me now wanted to, but i stood my ground.

i will never have to buy soap again. i keep acquiring it. i have at least 4 bars of soap, a full bottle of shower gel, and about a hundred sample sizes. but i love it all and won't give it away.

i'm excited for my new purse

I will NEVER be hosting a WA film fest as the only movie i like by him is that little short thing in New York Stories. The one with the nagging mother? Did you see that? Anyway, we're going to watch S & L tonight and speaking of SNL, didn't that SUCK saturday night. It even had Jason Bateman on it and it still sucked. God he's cute. I almost like him as much as RDJ, J.. Just ALMOST though, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

Oh god, I got another friggin Woody Allen movie, by mistake. I wonder if it could possibly be any good. It's Sweet and Lowdown, what's your review LTL?

I wonder what it actually takes to run a theater besides a giant wad of cash? Could you get the rights to show LOTR still? Do you think you could make it like Rocky Horror and everyone would want to come at midnight and stay till noon watching it?

From the Hawaii contingent...... Posted by Hello

I want the PR method. JK wants to know how much they want for the theatre. The office is just one or two seasons so you better pick a follow up quickly!

The next time i'll HAVE to buy soap is december 2007. I have so much soap in my house. God. You see, I've been looking for a replacement to my favorite soap which Ampersand no longer carries, so I've had to buy all this soap to try. I actually found one I liked (chinese), but then marden's has all this french soap so I had to load up on that, plus i have other miscellaneous shit lying around.

dc blog poll

MnJnn: when is the next time you think you'll HAVE to buy soap for your bathroom?

and this is jen's new marden's purse - well, it's liz claiborne, leather, $12.49. What do you think about that? Posted by Hello

In fact - I HAVE been to Marden's and THESE are the fabulous shoes I got for SATC Saturday. Strangely enough, they aren't even that uncomfortable. Aren't they Fantastic? I know they are so you don't have to answer. Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Well, I'll tell you, if you weren't here you missed a good time. Leigh and Amy came. We had pizza (fabulous), Cosmos (equally fabulous) and cake (disgusting, Thanks Mardens). We watched poker, Little House on the Prairie and the last 4 episodes of SATC. I should have taken pics of all the shoes, but I must admit, mine were the most fabulous. I WILL photo them for you. You won't believe this but AMY wore her heels too. She did a good job going along for the SATC ride. And we did her a favor, really, by saving her from having to watch the first 5 3/4 seasons. I bet she'll watch it though. I was a bit upset that Stanford didn't have a larger role in the end. Overall, the ending was sappy, but satisfying - and the rest of you know that already. Did I cry? Yes. Yes I did. Shut up Jen.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

You are


Your movie star name: Chips Delmont

Your fashion designer name is Rachael Luxembourg

Your socialite name is Bangor

Your fly girl / guy name is R Kil

Your detective name is Cat PVHS

Your barfly name is Andy Capp Cheddar Fries Cosmo

Your soap opera name is Ellen Longridge Road

Your rock star name is Chocolate Cowboy

Your star wars name is Racwin Kiljk

Your punk rock band name is The Anxious Vitamin Green

Your Boobies' Names Are: Dessert and Dinner

Your Linguistic Profile:

50% General American English

35% Yankee

10% Upper Midwestern

5% Dixie

0% Midwestern

You are

Jennifer Joyce Shorey's Aliases

Your movie star name: Chocolate Delmont

Your fashion designer name is Jennifer Venice

Your socialite name is Mighty Mouth New Orleans

Your fly girl / guy name is J Sho

Your detective name is Cat Penobscot Valley High

Your barfly name is Chocolate Gin

Your soap opera name is Joyce Main

Your rock star name is Chocolat Car

Your star wars name is Jenmax Shotim

Your punk rock band name is The Happy Penis

Your Boobies' Names Are: Elvis

Your Boobies' Names Are: Elvis

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

35% Yankee

10% Upper Midwestern

0% Dixie

0% Midwestern

Friday, April 22, 2005

i would like satc if it were about gay men too. and qaf SUCKS.

barishnikov was sexy back in the day. i don't know now.

snoop you are MUCH prettier than cynthia nixon, who looks like dave foley in drag.

next friday, ltl is going to see hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. i'm jealous, i have to wait until may 7.

the message did get to WW because she called me around 5. we both decided we were too tired to try to get together, but i was glad she called. thanks ltl.

my plans for the weekend? take todd out to get him a powder pink power tie. we are noticing that EVERYONE has one, and we want to make sure he dresses for success

don't you think you should tell us what you're doing? I know you won't be recovering from a hangover so what could it be?

If it's not green day I can't guess. I don't have anything written in my calendar so i know it's not your birthday or anniversary. Are you getting an ultrasound?

A-Lo if you had watched just 1 episode of SATC you would KNOW who Cynthia Nixon is. Holy. Don't you know her? She's on the diet pepsi commercial with Charlotte.

dc blogger

MnJnn: i wasn't judging you i was just confused as to what the giant knot might be
MnJnn: i don't think emily will like nip/tuck myself
MnJnn: there's a lot of graphic surgery and there are sex scenes
MnJnn: she doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would enjoy watching a sex scene


MnJnn: please blog that nip tuck does have graphic scenes, which i fast forward through and love the show
MnJnn: they rarely talk through them which is good

You're going to see GREEN DAY!!!!!

God I hated Clerks. I admit I just didn't get it. Perhaps I'll try it again, I only would if Leigh were here though - to point out the brilliance.

jen says....

MnJnn: i would like to point out that i think cynthia nixon may be dave foley in drag

Blog Poll:

Barishnikov: Scary or Sexy?

...and just so you know... I'm downloading a SATC screensaver for the weekend...

A-Lo has no idea what she's in for with this 3 Year Late Grand Finale Party - as she's never watched an episode. And LTL I'm shocked, frankly, given the shoe obsession of Carrie Bradshaw, that you hate it. I would think you'd watch it just for the glimpses of Birken Bags, and Manolo's.

oh yeah, JK too. He'll be joining the party.

SATC SAturday

Well RR, you better chastise Jen as well. And I'm PISSED that you aren't here to drink Cosmos, eat pizza and watch season 6, part two, disc 2 episodes 6-whatever with Leigh, Amy and I tomorrow.

Uncomfortable around black bananas?

Then you'll love this Banana Bread recipe from cooking light

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cups regular oats
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 ripe large)
1/3 cup low-fat buttermilk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 250

Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups - wait i'm not going to give you their instructions.

Sift all the dry ingredients into a bowl. Throw all the wet ingredients into a different bowl and mix them up. Put the wet ingrediendts into the dry ingredients and stir till JUST combined. Pour into a 8x4 loaf pan coated with cooking spray. Bake for 55 minutes or until it tests done.

In my tradition of making every recipe slightly different from how they were intended this is how I changed this one. I used half whole wheat flour and half dark brown suar. I used an extra banana, and i put an oatmeal brown sugar topping on it.


It was really good. I have officially endorsed, and have implemented a policy of using buttermilk in all my baking now. It makes a big difference.

RR - I'm thrilled you've entered the SATC discussion. Do you love it or hate it or offended that any of us have watched it at all?

but...i have to make a huge disclaimer - because if you're a member of our family you will know that Eleanor's place in Enfield "The Clam Shack" had the BEST onion rings in the world.

yes, we called it Fat Jack's too. I used to love to go there for onion rings.

You should ALL know that it is officially summer, as the Montague house opens the take out window today. I wish they still called it the Big Dipper.

So my kid is graduating to Piano book two next week. Isn't that thrilling? I'm so proud. We had the piano tuned Wednesday so it actually sounds like music now. That is also very thrilling. She's pretty happy that she's "finally playing Beethoven".

Yesterday I made fudge for the first time ever in my life. It was "too sweet" and "too cocoa-y" but it's edible - barely. Still I delivered some to Dean F. with a warning that it was practically inedible. Leigh and Amy have it to look forward to, as I'm sending it all home with them. I made pnut butter too. That was practically inedible too, I'm just thrilled that it resembled fudge quite frankly.

And according to the Star, Britney is secretly shopping for baby stuff. I saw the headline yesterday in the checkout.

So how long before we know what this kid is? (B or G) of course. I can't believe you don't like SATC LTL. I say Sopranos or Six Feet Under - that's a good one. We could only get through 3 seasons of Sopranos so I wouldn't mind if you watch that and let me know if anything happens.

sorry i haven't been blogging but i've been staring at computer screens so long at work that when i get home i just can't do it anymore. i should at least figure out how to send emails to the blog so i can post even if i can't read.

well i guess i'm not going to hear from WW. thanks, WW, for making me feel special when i'm so far away from home, out on my own in the big, bad world. just kidding. i probably couldn't find my way to crystal city by myself anyway.

i tried to watch SATC last weekend, watched the first episode, and promptly put it back in the envelope and returned it. sorry, i'm just not girly.

i am however watching season 3 of AD. that is pretty funny, though the episode i watched after work this evening put me to sleep. i will have to re-watch it. it was the episode after 'benedryl brownies.'

Thursday, April 21, 2005

i have been sternly reprimanded for not fulfilling my blogligations. i shall now attempt to catch up.

my dream april vacation is to go to disneyworld with leigh and amy, drink too much, spend too much money, and eat 8 dollar snickers out of the minibar....oops. already done that.

i want to see pictures of you and liam cuttting the hedges with scissors. i really do.

sideways has never appealed to me. looks wicked boring.

i think, ltl, that you should get pee wee's playhouse on dvd. it is on my q, somewhere.

can you believe i've had netflix for only a month and already have 350 movies in my q? i guess i haven't seen many movies, because most of them are ones i've never seen.

welcome to the blog, bill, hope becky has warned you we're all a little quirky. if you haven't figured it out on your own yet, you will soon.

becky, will you bring a pound of houlton farms butter to va for me?

this is a test, this is only a test, if this were not a test i wouldn't have said test four times.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

alright, i got arrestes...i think. I invited Leigh to get arrested too.

And now for the bridge report...
Lill hosted bridge. She made an ELEGANT custard pie. I'm not kidding either. It was very good. The cards stunk as usual. Hopie was the special guest. AVGTWHBA. Prizes - Helen, low(Dove soap); Lora - High (but no prize because she forgot to buy one for Lill) and I can't remember who got goose - oh yeah Lora did (squeeze pnut butter).

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm glad the weather girl has taken an interest in changing her clothing now! It makes it much more exciting.

I waited forever too. It must need I.E. or something. I downloaded quicktime, allegedly, but it still didn't work. Oh well.

Leigh, I'm really looking forward to SATC saturday, or whatever it's called. What are you wearing?

I'm pretty disappointed that you watched that movie. You must have done it because S & D hated it! You did didn't you?

I'm extremely disappointed - I couldn't watch the DL weather reports for some reason.

Becky - just set it as your home page and you won't have to worry about it anymore. So we have a very busy week apparently. JK has to do some traveling this week. Friday - circus, Saturday - play with Amy and Leigh, SATC finale party (3 years late! that's not too bad is it?). Hmm, once you start listing it doesn't seem that busy does it? Today - bridge, tomorrow - piano tuning, thursday - piano lessons. Sunday - possible movie. Isn't that busy?

Blog poll: what is your dream April vacation?

Friday, April 15, 2005

huh, the things you don't know about fashion.....

Anyway, what's the deal with Steve Madden footwear? Why is it always at mardens?

weekend plans?

Tomorrow we're having a doughnut party. The Aunts are coming. Today I'm making jerk chicken. The kids are on vaca next week. I wonder if the circus is in town? So how about Miller's Restaurant? I wonder if we should go to brunch sunday for one last time...even though i never liked it there.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I have no idea what "empire waist" means. HOpefully you'll explain it. Maybe you'll name your kid "Brit after your new best friend!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Blog Poll:

what's fa suppah?

I've had a WICKED craving for catfood casserole this week so that's what I'll be serving. YUMMY!

I meant to caption that:

You'll never know true happiness until you've dug a hole that you can fit your entire body in!

The Chicken's Guide to Bliss  Posted by Hello

That sounds TERRIBLE! Dead River should have put you up at the Houlton HIlton.

tech report

Well yesterday I took the plunge and bought Linux to install on my computer. I really now feel like I'm about to join some really geeky, yet cool club. I'll let you know how the installation goes. I'm not yet ready to go that far. I need to do a lot of reading today.

Bridge Report

Bridge was hosted by Lora at Suzanne's last night. We had a lot of fun and time FLEW by. For snack, Lora served some kind of pretzel, cheese cracker mix thing, and popcorn of course. I had a couple of decent hands but didn't play any. Helen won high AGAIN - this is 4 weeks in a row for her. Lill was low and I got goose. And now for .....

The Review of the cake.


That cake was SOOOO good. I made a few minor modifications, but they really seemed to make it better to me. It was EXTREMELY flavorful but not too sweet. Make it for yourself - it really doesn't take as long as the directions imply. This is the PERFECT cake for a baby or wedding shower or a tea party.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


RR - please give us an update.

I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed in the lot of you. You haven't blogged for days. Emily I'll delete the tag today to make your blogging experience more pop-up/virus free. The rest of you... you better have something to say!!!

Metropolis Musings - Burlington Edition

Today it's snowing like hell.

Wildlife report - 7:a.m. 1 Tom and 3 hen turkeys. Yesterday - mouse - trying to escape the clutches of Mo.

I'm in a panic about bridge. Will we have it? I made the cake, but it has cream for frosting and I can't exactly do that now can it, because if I do and we don't have bridge, the cake will be ruined. You're advice is appreciated.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Not much to report this morning. Sorry. Oh yeah, jen had a blog game. As soon as i figure out out to present it I willl.

Friday, April 08, 2005

random catching up

that does seem like a yummy cake

stale bread is such a bummer.

i have joy of cooking AND betty crocker. thank blog for betty, becaue i always forget how much corn starch is in the pudding.

i've never seen FTARH either, it's on my q.

the concert was SO fun! mad blog props to amy!

RR, if you come to Maine we will DEFINITELY have to have some kind of blog event. We might all have to go to Houlton for it, but so be it. Maybe we'll have a facials party or a Bad Seed party.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Ok so you lose. I don't need glasses.

I'm so proud of you!!! It's alright if you don't get it, at the very least you get your name in some database there. An interview would be excellent.

Blog Bet of the Day

Will I need glasses?

I'll bet 2 Million that I do not NEED glasses, but he will suggest I get reading glasses. If I do I need someone to go pick them out with me.

Phoebe CAtes

...apparently she hasn't been doing much acting wise. Anyway, I've never seen FTARH. Unbelieveable.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


OH, BTW - SS and I watched Celebrity poker this a.m. and our favorite guy Willie Garson BEAT THE HELL out of Ben Affleck!

in order to post photos to the blog you need to downloat the "Hello" program. If you can't find it let me know and I'll send you the link. I haven't figured out any other way. I also haven't figured out how to post videos or sound files to the blog - so if anyone has any ideas (this means you RR) please share.


See? I have Joy of Cooking for egg salad recipes. I hate to have to admit it, but I consult it regularly - so I know how long to cook soft boiled eggs. I can't seem to register that in my brain.

I have basically given up my hand written cookbook that I've had for years, though I still tote it around for some reason. I have all my recipes on the computer now so I can email them when people ask. Plus I don't have to wonder what I did with that recipe because I know it's on the computer somewhere.

Ok I hate to bring this up, but I guess I feel the urge to so why the heck not. Could someone please tell me why the one person that allegedly gets a "direct line to God", The Pope, gets elected and even, for that matter, has to be Catholic. Perhaps one of you Catholics or former Catholics can explain this to me. I just don't get it. Wouldn't it make more sense to put all the bishops in a room without food an water and let the last one standing be Pope? Wouldn't it seem more plausible that that person is the one God wants to be dealing with for the next 40 years? I'm sorry this just doesn't make sense to me. But not much about religion does - so please forgive me. But if you DO have an explanation I'd love to hear it.

I could NEVER get a Hannaford marinade for my fish. I am afraid of prepared marinades. Deathly morbidly afraid of them. I don't know why or where this comes from. It's just me. I am also very afraid of gravies, sauces and soups of anykind that I have not personally prepared.

Let me just tell you something about children. Your children are smarter than you are. Not just a little - they are EXPONENTIALLY smarter. Let me just give you a few details about some of the conversations I've had with my children over the past few days. Madeline told me where Indonesia is, in relation to several other counties int he world, how the habitats of Lions and tigers differ and that she does not agree that Lions are the kings of the jungles. Isaiah was telling me about the Dali Llama and karma, and about space, time and force. I mean really. Should they be teaching physics and karma to 7 year olds. It stresses me out. Isaiah has also given me lessons in electricity and Madeline has given me lessons in classical music. Give me a break. My self esteem can't take any more.

speaking of which, I think I'll make chili tonight. I bought all the crap for it.

I don't know if I could eat chili mac or not. I have a terrible aversion to mac with cheese AND meat. Did it have cheese in it? Can you believe I do not own a Betty Crocker cookbook? I do not. No one has ever given me one.

d2 pic 4 from leigh Posted by Hello

d2 pic 3 from leigh Posted by Hello

d2 pic 2 from leigh Posted by Hello

d2 pic 1 from leigh Posted by Hello

did anyone notice our weather girl finally changed her clothing?

bridge stats

I forgot to mention that after 4 weeks of tracking Helen has the highest overall average with an average score of 2317.5. No one else is even close. The lowest average score is Lill with 1345.4. Helen has also attained the highest score over all. One week she had an UNHEARD of 2862.

today's edition of....

GAWD! Don't you HATE that!

like when you go to fix yourself lunch, and you're really looking forward to something really really simple - i.e. a balogna sandwich. And you fix the sandwich and it looks pretty good, but it isn't! Because the bread is slightly dried out!

I hate that.

you know - it's almost frightening that I have all the ingredients for that cake right in my house. Except the cream. That's the only thing.

I believe this is the recipe:

Esther's Orange Marmalade Cake

For the cake:
1 cup unsalted butter, softened, plus more for greasing the pans
3 1/4 cups cake flour, plus more for dusting the pans
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 and 2/3 cups granulated sugar
5 large eggs, at room temperature
4 large eggs yolks, at room temperature
2/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature
For the orange syrup:
1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1/4 cup granulated sugar
For the filling:
12-ounce jar orange marmalade
For the frosting:
1 cup heavy cream, chilled
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 cup sour cream, chilled
The cake: Preheat the oven to 350 F. Lightly butter three 9-inch round cake pans, line them with parchment paper, then lightly butter and flour the paper, shaking out any excess.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Sift a second time into another bowl.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter on medium speed until light in color, about 4 minutes. Add the 2 and 2/3 cups sugar in a steady stream with the mixer running. Beat until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Be sure to stop at least once to scrape down the batter from the sides of the bowl. After all the eggs have been added, continue to beat on medium speed for 2 more minutes. With the mixer on low speed, add the oil and beat for 1 minute.
In a small bowl, combine the orange zest, vanilla and buttermilk. Using a rubber spatula, fold in half of the dry ingredients. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and add half of the buttermilk mixture. Fold in the remaining dry ingredients, scrape down the sides, and add the remaining buttermilk.
Pour the batter among the prepared pans, smooth the surface, rap each pan on the counter to expel any air pockets or bubbles, then place in the oven. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the cakes cool in the pans on racks for 20 minutes.
The orange syrup: In a small bowl, stir together the orange juice and 1/4 cup sugar until the sugar is dissolved. While the cakes are still in the cake pans, use a toothpick or skewer to poke holes at 1/2-inch intervals in the cake layers. Spoon the syrup over each layer, allowing the syrup to be completely absorbed before adding the remainder. Let the layers cool completely in the pans.
The filling: Heat the marmalade in a small saucepan over medium heat until just melted. Let cool for 5 minutes.
The frosting: In a chilled mixing bowl, using the wire whisk attachment, whip the heavy cream with the 4 tablespoons sugar until stiff peaks form. Add the sour cream, a little at a time, and whisk until the mixture is a spreadable consistency.
To assemble the cake: Invert one of the cake layers on a cake plate and carefully peel off the parchment. Spread one-third of the marmalade over the top, smoothing it into an even layer. Invert the second layer on top of the first, peel off the parchment, and spoon another third of the marmalade on top. Place the third cake layer on top, remove the parchment, and spoon the remaining marmalade onto the center of it, leaving a 1 1/4-inch border around the edges. Frost the sides and the top border with the frosting, leaving the marmalade on top of the cake exposed. Or, if you prefer, frost the entire cake first, adding the marmalade as a garnish on top. Chill for at least two hours before serving.
(Recipe from "Jan Karon's Mitford Cookbook & Kitchen Reader," Viking, edited by Martha McIntosh)

When I have the recipe I'll post it. All I know is that it's from some book that is going around E.S.S. and MJ make it and it is ELEGANT. It contains orange marmalade. If this sound familiar to anyone, please post the name of it so I can do further research. Lora is supposed to fax it to me.

JK was watching S.B. when I got home last night so I got to watch the last hour of that again - plus the special features. Did you watch the special features? OMG you wouldn't believe the making of SB.

I made the kids watch the Edith Head feature. My son figured out the "E" connection in the first 30 seconds and left, with that blase bored attitude that you have when you're too smart for everyone else in the room. M watched the entire feature and appeared to be interested.


first paragraph - "6 points or LESS" not left.

Bridge Report

Bridge SUCKED SO BAD last night. I couldn't catch a hand. God was I mad by the end of the night. I was so bored I really wanted to quit or drink. I got a total of TWO hands that had more than 12 points in them. I had SEVERAL hands with 6 points or left. I played two hands and got set on both because I had NOTHING to play.

Anyway. The hostess was Faye. She made some kindof pineapple coconut cake thingy that I think had splenda in it or something because I had a late night tongue explosion - so there was SOMETHING funky in it. Other than that, it was ELEGANT. Anyway, friggin Helen won High and Goose AGAIN. Can you believe that? Low was LIll. A good time was NOT had by all because of the crappy cards. God.

Next week bridge will be hosted by Lora, but I believe she has recruited me to make her dessert because she really wants to serve it but she does NOT want to make it, as it allegedly "takes all day" to make. I seriously doubt this, but I'm up for the challenge.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

um yeah...right

row not road

Well, this is only heresy but this is what I know....

Simon hit EVERY note. They were in the back road. It was all 30 year olds.

anyone going to the Pope's funeral?

It does sound like great fun. Now I half wish I went - just to see the excited looks on your faces. But only half so you don't have to get pissed off Jen.

And I wouldn't worry about it. If you don't want to eat don't. You KNOW this will be followed by a prolonged period of not being able to STOP eating.

But I guess if you don't want to eat don't eat. Have an ensure or something.

There must be SOMETHING you want to eat. Lately all I want to eat is dried fruit.

Speaking of The Incredibles, tonight I'm going to make my kids watch the Edith Head speacial feature that is on the Sunset Boulevard cd so they can clue in to who "E" from that movie, is apparently based on.


I've never watched Nanny 911 - I think I'm maxed out on my reality TV allotment. How do you spell that anyway. Speaking of spelling. I'm having a TERRIBLE time spelling. I don't know what's wrong with me. My initial instinct is to spell EVERYTHING incorrectly. Usually it leans toward some sort of phonetic variation, but usually it just plain wrong. In fact, I'll just leave all the errors in for a while and let you list your own diagnosis. I also did the UNTHINKEABLE this morning and scheduled an eye exam.


So I went to LIncoln this a.m. to run errands. I left B-town at 6:45 right after the kids got on the bus. To my dismay EE didn't have 1 hour photo processing, so I had to wait for Rite-Aid to open. I went to breakfast at the Mill Street Diner. So I went in and had coffee with a biscuit and read my New Yorker. Well, I was actually PRETENDING to read the New Yorker. What I was really doing was eavesdropping on other people's conversations. It was surprisingly good fun. In the diner were 6 men of various ages who are out of work for mud season. Were they talking about skidder repair and Dale Jarrett? No. The were talking about "The Surreal Life" and 'Amazing Race". It was a fun situation for me because I was totally taken by surprise. They were IN TO IT too. I had a great cup of coffee thanks to this.


Well I don't know where I was yesterday, but I was right here most of the time. Still I didn't blog.

Anyway, Friday night we went to Scotty's in Newport. It was alright but nothing to write home about. It's one of those "safe" dining places. They have steak and seafood and one of everything else. It's not a chain. I wanted lobster fettucine, but they didn't have that. Then I wanted something else that they didn't have either. Finally i settled for pecan crusted salmon (against my better judgement) and they (predictably) overcooked it. Oh well. The salad was good and the baked potato was acceptable. The drinks were tasty. We went with Red and Karen.

Saturday I don't know what we did. M and I went to get groceries. That's about it. I bought one of every meat in the case so I guess I must need a protein fix. We watched basketball and looked for Andrea in the crowd but didn't see her.

Oh yeah, I played online poker all day saturday too. I forgot that.

Sunday I did laundry and dishes and that's about it besides other misc. work. Sunday night I watched "Sunset Boulevard"

Blog Review: Sunset Boulevard
link above

Starring William HOlden, Gloria Swanson and many others including Cecil B. DeMille.

OMG I loved this movie. Watch it for yourself. It's GREAT!!!

Yesterday Isaiah and I went to Bangor to drop off the jeep for repairs. We also went to the Nat, Target and played a game of chess at Ampersand. It was great (because I won) Isaiah very dramatically tipped over his King at the end. I loved that. Then we shook hands and bought cookies.

JK watched the game last night and I napped through it, waking in the final 2 minutes to watch the end. Congrats to JK for winning the brackets and to me for coming in second.

I've been to LIncoln already this morning. review to follow.

Friday, April 01, 2005

now i have to go to the store and find a "congratulations on your doctor/dentist visit" cards.....

when i pick out cute little cards for liam...am i allowed to get ones that say things like "for a cute nephew who is 3!" even though technically he is NOT my nephew? or are we just telling him that he is? i'm still a little confused on that point, and i sure don't want him to feel the same confusion i feel. not just about that, but in general. i'm often confused.

RE: big meals.

i have lived with beav AND tyler...do i really want to think about the sizes of the meals i've eaten?

puh-leez. i'm not out doing anyone by sending cards. god knows i didn't make a train cake to take to the friggin party.

so i got this big project this week and i will actually be writing a software manual. i didn't think i would actually ever have to do it, even though i said it, so now i think i jinxed myself. apparently, there's only one dude in the joint who knows how to run this program the way they have it configured, and he quit with the big buy out. so now it's up to me to basically put his job into a book for future reference.

on that note, today i learned how to take screenshots off my computer, crop them, and put them into a word document! that may seem like nothing to some of you, but it always seemed like it would be difficult to me. i'm so amazed at what i've learned in 4 weeks.

my paycheck will be gone at the end of this weekend. how did that happen so fast? well, i guess that's what happens with friggin money. it doesn't go far.

i want a toyota prius.

RR, something will work your way, i just know it.

He'll be relieved to be home for the weekend I bet. Hang out with mom and dad with NO doctors in sight.

Somebody say SOMETHING. What are your hopes and aspirations for D2? Will you be playing the slots? blackjack? holdem? If some guy asks you to blow on his dice will you do it?