Thursday, March 31, 2005

Belated Happy Birthday CC!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Friggin Jen - she always has to outdo everyone else!!!

Anyway - Liam's acting ability obviously PROVES his supreme intelligence. I'm sure the Dr. thought so too.

and now for the bridge news....

Bridge was hosted at Orlie and Suzannes by myself. We had eight players. It was FANTASTIC. I got a little slam and a grand slam - and I had 100 honors TWICE. Can you believe that? I couldn't. Anyway, despite my relatively good cards, Helen F. was on FIRE last night and couldn't be beat. That's a good thing though because she was the only one that liked my prizes. Helen won High and goose, Tracey won low. The treat was chex mix, sweet and salty, I think it's called. And they all like that so I always get it to have a little change from popcorn. I made Aunt Dena's molasses marble cake and it was truly elegant. I'm not just saying that either. Even Mom liked it. A good time was had by all.

sorry for the typos there folks.

Anywho, now for the reviewws...


Don't bother. Not nearly enough clips of the show which is what I wanted to see.

Ray Stevens collection Vol. 1

You may ask why ANYONE would rent this in the first place. THat is a VERY good question. The answer is: I thought there would be show clips. I love those old variety shows you know? Anyway, skip this one too. It's just his videos - no show clips.

ok, well there. there's a lot to do here - but first - to answers Leigh's question.....

In the early nineties I went to this Italien place in Portland Luna D'oro. Jim, Tim (roommates) and I went out for a night on the town because we had a GREAT weekend of tips at the Downs (where we worked). We had pretty much everything on the menu including 4 bottles of wine. Price Tag: $500+ we had several apps a soup course a pasta course, main, fruit & cheese, and dessert. I can't imagine how much we ate. We starved ourselves for two days so we could eat everything, and that really worked for us. Then we went over the top and each ate a pint of ice cream that night at midnight (which was our nightly ritual at the time). Good times.

Tied was this dinner I made for some of our friends. We had two chickens, soup, i can't remember what was served with the chickens though, tons of cheese and fruit, bread and chocolate for dessert (it was a portuguese feast, that was the theme). One of the best nights of my life with absolutely the worst recovery time. Just ask Beavus.

test I haven't been able to post for days so here's a try.

Monday, March 28, 2005

I think watching movies alone is a GREAT thing to do and is ALWAYS justifiable.

Poor RR. I wish I lived closer.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Well let's see. I've had a very busy weekend. Friday I went to Bangor to get groceries and junk. I picked up leigh from work. We went to target, had coffee and had a good time shopping. Then we went to the mall for a minute. We departed and I went to shaw's, pat's and home. Got home around 10. Saturday I washed floors and laundry and cooked. Seduction steak, garlic mashed, and the easter special - honey bunnies. Leigh came for dinner, we hearted Huckabees, drank a bottle of wine, watched bball and had a very enjoyable time overall. Today I'm making a pork roast.

Friday, March 25, 2005

from jen

i just want everyone to know that i gave out my first business card today! and it was actually for a legitimate reason! they weren't a waste after all (even though our company name has changed since i got them and in 6 weeks the address, phone number, and email will be wrong)!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

It was bad. It had Barbar Hersey in it. nuph said.

Blog Review: New York disc 1

Disc 1 of the New York Documentary features and interesting history of Metropolis from it's "discovery" by Mr. Hudson to the takeover from the dutch by the British. It was very good tv, for those of us that really don't know very much history. Unfortunately I've picked up Emily's nasty habit of falling asleep during the second half of every movie, so I didn't see the end. JK said it was very good though. I'll try again tonight maybe.

Blog Review: The (Unwatchable) Last Temptation of Christ

Imagine Jesus with a Jersey accent. Imagine Judas with a Brooklyn accent. These are just some of the highlights of the "masterfully directed" Last Temptation of Christ. Believe me you suffer you very own powerful temptations. Of course, renting the thing is the first temptation you must withstand. You will be tempted to curse, tempted to berate Scorcese, tempted to meet your maker all on your own. DON'T watch it for yourself. SAVE YOURSELF!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sorry for my absence today - I was subbing at ESS. I was Lora today. I had a fun time - put all next year's Kindergartener's in the computer, did attendance and announcement - that kind of thing. I didn't pull any teeth today and only distributed 3 band-aids and 1 cough drop. That's a very good day for me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Well...don't all blog at once now. Ok I'll do it if you won't for god's sake. Even though i have absolutely nothing to say. This morning i was having a WONderful dream. I was dreaming I was in Pittsburg and I was at a restaurant. I had ordered a Rothlis-burger. When it came it was a perfectly normal looking hamburger with NO scrambled eggs in it. I told the cook - this old partially bald guy - that this was not at ALL what I expected. He told me that everyone thought that, but that this was a Rothlis-burger. Then JK woke me up before I had a chance to eat my dreamburger. I must be aching for football.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Blog Review: Spring Break Shark Attack

I really wanted to like this - really I did - you KNOW how I love disaster movies. Unfortunately it was truly unwatchable. Lots of crotch shots, butt shots, and breast shots, IGNORANT dialogue.

"What are you doing here"
"Um, DUHH"
"OH? Cool."
"Yeah, way".
"Wanna Beer?"
"UM, DuHH?!?!?"

It was like porn without the sex....but with a worse soundtrack.

I hate to admit it, but I AM basking in the glory of being in the brackets 99th percentile today. Especially after expecting to have been knocked WAY down over the weekend. Who'd a thunk it??! Anyway, I'm prepared for my eventual loss to CC. I'm quite sure my Kentucky isn't going to pull it off during the next round.

JMK Word of the day

Every little once in a while, JK comes up with a word that I've NEVER heard before. I admit it, I always question whether or not it is, indeed, a real word. Today's word is: Pargetting. Real or fake - you guess - no dictionary's. If you think it's real, define it.

Maybe WW should try that!!

Well, once again this year, I'm SO into March Madness I can hardly function. I've watched SO many games. I can't keep the players straight - I told the Wake Forest people to throw the ball to Sparks for a 3pointer - but he doesn't play for them! Anyway, who'd think I'm actually loving basketball. If I start liking baseball it's over. What's over? I don't know but that is that is my ultimate last straw. I've had movies here an entire week that i haven't even dreamed of watching. I'm also way into Contender against my own taste and better judgment - what can I say - Mark Burnett pulls me in every time. Anyone going to apply for the ultimate Big Brother? The five year thing?

In other news my cat Taily has decided the kitchen is her bathroom - much to the displeasure of the rest of the inhabitants of the house. She has been banished for the day - and she is NOT happy about it.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


todd wants everyone to know i didn't do his laundry; he does his own. but he did buy dinner.

well it's been a quiet weekend. yesterday we returned recycling....i read for a while, took a nap, we went grocery shopping, and had fresh pasta, sauce, and sausage for dinner. we ate brownies and watched 'alfie'. it was not great but i gave it 3 stars i think. today i got up, showered, went into work to get a few things taken care of, saw the new signs go up on the building, went to target for easter cards, went to dd for my first iced coffee in va, then came back and watched basketball. we were cheering for uvm but knew they wouldn't make it. then we had japanese takeout for suppah and now we're watching dh. oh and we're both sitting with our laptops on our laps, not talking, which is funny to me. oh and i washed the kitchen floor and did laundry today. so i got some stuff accomplished.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Congrats to RK and A-LO for winning the brackets day #1. There were a LOT of close games though - I was VERY nervous.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I'm ever so slightly upset that Snoop and RR haven't joined the brackets - but - oh well. Yesterday at 4:00 p.m. I came down with a small cold. My nose was instantly stuffed up. I got NO sleep. How are you? JK and I did nothing last night.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

guess...fish called wanda. oh ltl already got it. figures, one i actually know.

i used to find out about music from my bf, and then xm. but now i have neither, so i'm kinda screwed.

...and by the way, she has her first 'date" next week. Fun night at ESS - with Jacob.

speaking of music - MK has passed the 1 month mark on piano lessons and doesn't have to be forced to do her lessons. I think that's a pretty good start.

RR - if you review my posts from yesterday you will see that I like to remain a comfortable 10 years behind on popular music. This position has served me very well throughout my entire life. It saves you from making stupid remarks like "Total Eclipse of the Heart is a GREAT song" just because it's number one on the charts at the time.

I learn about music mainly from Jen, Leigh and the Grammy awards.

Well as you know last night was bridge night. Faye wasn't there, but Lil was - so we had 7. The cards were very bad. However, Orlie and myself managed to each eek out 1 little slam. Prizes were won by: Helen - High, Me - goose, Tracey - Low. Suzanne made blueberry gingerbread in honor of Aunt Lil's return. It was ELEGANT.


I want that.

What? A Hot Dog Heaven super chili cheese dog?

No. I want that feeling. The feeling that comes over a man when he gets exactly what he desires. I need that feeling!

Are you saying what I think you're saying?

We gotta to White Castle.

YES! YES! I knew you had it in you dude!

Emily wins. I did an easy-ish one to get you in the groove.


can you guess?

I bet you can...

"Aristotle was not Belgian, the principle of Buddhism is not "every man for himself", and the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up."

Well you have until tomorrow to fill out your brackets so you better get cracking!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

bridge night don't ya know....

anyone who knows me knows that i didn't date ANYONE in high school and don't even know where enid is. sorry, it's not me peach.


Thanks Uncle Stanley. I FINALLY have a favorite song.

"Sympathique" by Pink Martini

Boiled dinner day is only TWO days away!!! Are you prepared? Corned beef is on sale everywhere you know.

I'm very unsure about the "When I was 17" song. Only Frank can sing that.


My cd player/am fm radiot isn't the BEST sounding thing you ever heard, but it's compact and it's fine. I'm listening to the ray cd i received after a certain former boyfriend of one of you didn't open it and left it in your stuff.

Stop #5 target

Gift bag, stickers, office supply holder. Nothing special to remark about.

Stop #4 shaws.

Groceries - the basics - just food and cake supplies, no detergents. However, with my shaws card and their doubling of all the coupons I had i saved $50 on my groceries - I'm telling you it was my day. (except the remote dammit)

I'm just realizing no REMOTE came with my CD player. It's supposed to have a remote. I've thrown the packaging away. What do I do oh Marden's guru!!!!

Stop #3 Toys R Us

GREAT deal on Pixar movies (coupon), all the fisher price you could EVER want.

Stop #2 - Mardens.

Today was the day to go shopping I'm telling you. Amy they had TONS of alarm clocks - but I didn't have my cell with me so I couldn't call you to get you one. I got Egyptian cotton towels, misc little gifts, tighty whitey's for the boy, wool socks for JK, a pilates ball, a cd player, pens, 4" 3ring binders and a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting.

My trip to bangor:

Stop #1

First I went to starbucks and got lattes for Leigh and myself. Then went to her place and dropped off stuff. We watched a bit of Carnivale and now I have to add that to my netflix.

Deal Diva #1

ooo jen - who's peaches n cream?

Anywho - I must first inform you that gas is a full .14 cheaper in howland than in bangor.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Todd Simcox, I belive said it was going to be nice the rest of this week. What's with this snow????

Well, let's see. It seems as though we had a very busy weekend but I didn't keep a record. I will try to recollect to the best of my ability.

Friday was date night. JK and I had fruit and wine for dinner and watched SITC and Da Ali G show. I think I already blogged about that.

Saturday Jelly and Jam came over we had pizza and wine, chatted, laughed and watched Richard Prior. They spent the night. Janyce made us GORGEOUS pillows for xmas so we were presented with those. I'll blog a pic for you.

Sunday was very slow. Jelly and Jam left, the kids played outside, I did laundry, watched basketball and filled out the brackets. We watched The Contender. I was glad Ishe won even though I don't like him. I disliked Babyface even more.

Not much eh? Tomorrow JK is going to be gone all day so I'll be all alone again.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Yesterday JK and I worked ALL DAY. Well, we worked so hard that we punched out at 4:30 and cracked open a bottle of Coppola Merlot - VERY good. We had fruit and cheese for dinner, watched Da Ali G show and SITC. I'm confused about the Season 6 discs. Today Jelly and Jam are coming I think. It's snowing LIKE HELL right now.

Friday, March 11, 2005

OK? See how early I blogged that yesterday and it took until toDAY to post. Dammit. See why I get mad?

Anyway, last night was another evening of reality tv. I can't believe how much tv I'm watching lately. Did you watch The Contender?


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Let's see. Since there was no school yesterday, the children decided they should get up at 6. They played gameboys, watched movies, painted and made cookies. So I was EXAUSTED last night for some reason and went to sleep around 9, whilst JK listened to the G-Dead on PBS. This a.m. at 4:30 there was a chimney fire so JK had to go to that. Today he is going to Rockland. That's it. It sucks to have nothing interesting to blog about.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

ok i have to catch up.

the only S.O. i've ever had was a complete baby when he was sick. it was rather pathetic. and everytime he got sick, he made me sick. and still i went back for more. go figure.

i agree with LTL in that men shouldn't wear sexy clothes. i have clothes that highlight my cleavage, called actually 'cleavage shirts' (by me) that i would not wear anywhere but dancing or dating. i would emphasize other parts of my figure too if they weren't so repulsive.

RE: david spade commercials---does david spade still have a career? i'm getting a no......

i don't have a favorite. i have ones i don't like as much, and these include anything lowfat and tagalongs.

My favorite is shortbread. But I usually get a million boxes of a variet of GSC's and send them all over the world.

True Confessions

SOMEONE in my house has a love of those David Spade Capital One commercials. They have grown on that person. That person answers many questions posed to them with "St. Happenin'" and "Cab-NO". The person actually DIDN't press "play" on the dvd last night so they could finish the commercial. So...a good gift for our household might be "1001 ways to say no".

True Confessions

SOMEONE in my house has a love of those David Spade Capital One commercials. They have grown on that person. That person answers many questions posed to them with "St. Happenin'" and "Cab-NO". The person actually DIDN't press "play" on the dvd last night so they could finish the commercial. So...a good gift for our household might be "1001 ways to say no".

Well what a day i've had. My cats have been wild and obnoxious but they've calmed down now since taily pooped in the kitchen. Friggin cats.

Ok so for my reality tv update. I couldn't STAND amazing race so I'm not going to watch that anymore.

I did watche the contender, since I like boxing, and I figured I'd like that...but Burnett seems to think the boxing isn't as interesting as the interpersonal fighting so he only shows about three minutes of the match (with slow mo punching even). I think he's missing a big chance to get men to watch reality TV. I don't know if I can take it though. I'll give it another week.

In educational news, I watched the String Theory show on PBS last night, and I have to say I thought it was very interesting. I have a hard time with Quantum Physics though so I guess that's my limit. It did inspire me to read the Poe sci fi stories though, so that will be my next book.

Blog Poll

Will this winter EVER end?

Well, Ash, unfortunately for you this topic is MUCH easier for women than men. Two words - cleav-age. That's pretty much the deciding factor on sexy, or not, for women. Throw on a shirt that's, as Jen would say, boobalicious, and you're there. So - NO you don't need a different wardrobe. I've always thought it was more about eye-liner and attitude.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

from the D.C. contingent....

MnJnn: actually you can put in the blog that john dealth with most of isaiah's flu but i definitely smelled like maddy's puke from her throwing up all night but insisting on cuddling through her 100+ fever. i have the immunity of bomb shelter i think. only tyler ever made me sick and thank blog, he's dead to us.

Snowing and 29 f. there

and speaking of finding things - I obviously need to find a new damned tagboard. If any of you know of any please let me know.


Ok, I don't need any smart all remarks because i know none of these are million $$$ ideas but I'll just let you in on it so you can come up with your own.....

1. Radio bracelets for security in places like jokers, disneyworld, (even schools) that the parents could activate when they are ready to leave so they don't have to hunt all over creation for their kids.
2. DVD playing doorbells.
3. "Where's Osama" comedy book in the style of Where's Waldo
4. Leigh's favorite - "gasmasker" charcoal lining for chairs and car seats!!
5. "Sticky sides" material with rubber nubs for holding the football in the crook of your shoulder.

More latah.

I have a very high immunity for some reason - so rarely get sick when others around me are ill. I do, however, have an extremely low tolerance for other peoples bodily fluids so try to expose myself to them as little as possible. I will puke just from the sound of puke - or even the sound of someone spitting for that matter. Even the word puke gives me dry heaves. I WILL clean it up if forced but I'm not afraid of germs. Not at all.

My children also have good immunity and have only been sick one time so far this year. In fact the last MAJOR illness, Jen had to deal with the whole thing, as I was on vacation. I believe in keeping your children home from for the entirety of their illness to reduce exposure as much as possible - this is more to keep them from getting another illness or having a relapse, than it is to reduce exposure to others. I've already warned JK that if the bird flu comes to the U.S. the children will be home schooled.

As for caring for your S.O., I try to do all I can for him. But - though he'd never admit it, I probably drive him crazy. "Can I get anything for you? Do you want soup? Shouldn't you drink something? Have you taken your medicine? Have you taken the other medicine? Have you taken more medicine? Don't you think you should have some medicine?" Here's my tolerance line...if you're sick and you won't take all the medicine I offer you - you're on the own. I have no sympathy. Take care of yourself. I'm a pusher.

Monday, March 07, 2005

i worked today. well, more than i have any other day so far. things are going fine. i had a turkey sandwich for lunch, spent 3 hours in the office alone that was nice. i saw the floor plans for the new building and apparently they gave me an office but the girl i work with who's been here 3 years only a cubicle. that didn't set well with anyone (but me).


Oh yes, I also had great fun watching the Ford tournament and cheering on my Tiger. JK was cheering for Phil so it was very exciting. I also made "Hash Brown Pizza" Silver palage - pg 115. Make it for yourself - it's excellent - but be prepared for the prep work.

Would you even believe the movie Backdraft has a "long wait" on Netflix? We need to get it because apparently it's required viewing for the TFD.

I figured he'd need mail too. Isaiah asks if there's mail for him every day. You'd think with these aunts all living so far away he'd get mail every other day.

Morning all. Today I'm feeling extreme pressure to develop a million dollar idea. I can't believe I actually expect myself to do this but I do - may be mid life crisis setting in. Anyway.....not much going on. We watched 3 episodes of SFU last night and I"m working today.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

if they don't start playing DH pretty effing soon, i'm gonna go apeshit.

ww you joined curves? seriously, i did it faithfully for 9 months and didn't lose a single pound. i'm not even kidding. come to find out i didn't end up paying for it anyway--long story.

anyway today todd and i went out and shopped for more clothes. then i did some laundry and took a nap. then we went to his friend patty's for pizza. she's a fruit loop--no other word for it. she's like a wind up toy that doesn't stop.

back to the grind tomorrow!

Game on!!!

Well - not quite - but the invitations for the brackets have been sent. RR - I did not invite you but I will. I wanted you to have this explanation first. Brackets is a required blogging element. Just for the friendly competition. Please know that NONE OF US except JK, CC and perhaps A-Lo have ANY idea about basketball. Yet somehow LTL won last year. She wins EVERYTHING.

Friday night JK and I went to Chez Wonder and had birthday dinner. I cooked hateful chicken with a side of pasta with lemon and asparagus. For dessert we had cottage pudding with raspberries and cream. We had GREAT fun. Robin won scrabble and I came in last - however I DID prevent JK from using his 'q" so that was a minor triumph.

So Snoop and I went to lunch at Thai Siam yesterday and it was excellent as usual. I had the 8 surprise soup (or something - I can't really remember the name). It was PERFECT - light and delicious. I also had the spicy tuna soup and a few dumplings. Snoop had the lunch box and that looked very ELEGANT.

Then I got groceries and came home.

Congratulations to the wonders for joining netflix. I wish you'd have told me before though - because I think I could have gotten you two free rentals by referring you. What are you going to see first?

Friday, March 04, 2005


i really DID just save a bunch of money on my car insurance! not by switching to geico, but by changing my policy down to the state minimum requirements! less than $200 for six months, can that even be right?

wow i guess the virus really loves snoop. i'm getting SO psyched for D2, if ONLY i could get my plane ticket in order!

the young girl (28) who is in my office LOVES D2 and is psyched that i'm going. she's jealous.

boss was out today so there was a lot of screwing off, burning cd's, talking about failed engagements, etc. but we did do a little work too. the thing about my job is that there is virtually no work until right before a major deadline, then 20 people submit their work to me and i have to stay up all night to do it. ah well. i had lunch with tmonster today.

i have NO idea what i'm doing this weekend as i still have no money to blow and don't know my way around. i think starbucks will be involved, however.

Blog Poll: What are you doing this weekend?

I also watched survivor and apprentice. JK watched some Bball as well. When does March Madness start and is CC going to invite us again this year?

I don't know WHAT that is but WHATEVER. Anyway. Last night I read New Yorker which was about a month old but it had my favorite writer Roger Angell in it so I had to read it. Roger, please tag so we can go have martini's I'm only a couple of hours from Brooklin. We can meet in Bangor or I'll come to Mt. Desert. Anyway. If there were one person in this state that I could meet it would be Rog.

Blog poll: Oh I was going to do "dream dinner party" but I guess we did that before.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

a_lo, don't worry about us. drop us off and go play hold 'em. leigh and i will have a BALL running around the casino like patsy and edina.

well.....i like my office right now but i hear when we move buildings i will quickly become dilbert. yuk. i had a rachel for lunch. the boss is out tomorrow and she gave me and the other girl a ton of shit to do. i'm sure you don't care about any of that.

Poor babies.

In cooking news, I received a new Cooking Illustrated in Monday and I'm going to make EVERY recipe in it. Fish with curry sauce, beef in barolo, stuffed chicken, sourdough bread....

You better not give me a cold Saturday!!!

Bridge Report

Bridge was held at Suzannes. The hostess was Lora. Hopie was the special guest. Faye is still away - I think she's gone for one more week. The cards stunk. The news was mostly about all the house that have been bought, sold and auctioned - or will be in the near future. That's about it. I don't feel like writing about it today. Sorry.

JK and I watched some blues thing on PBS after bridge. I'm feeling really guilty about PBS lately because I'm not a member. I'd like to donate though. The problem is that when you DO give them money, they feel the need to hound you incessantly. I wonder if I should send them a check and tell them not to bug me or I'll never send them another one. What do you think? Because - I'd send them yearly if they just wouldn't ask for it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

not much to report. today i did a bunch of word processing and went to training and discovered the wonders of our office coffee machine. it makes mochaccinos, what more do you need in life than that? i also went to some really boring training. then i came home and finally emptied the lasagna pan and todd made some broccoli in the wok with some spices that was so pungent he and i were both clearing our throats and sniffling for a half hour. then we went to the gym, and now i'm NOT watching american idol because he's working in the living room. i'm sending him im's though so he's properly annoyed.

i don't remember that chick's dress. i wish i did. i could go look through internet photos to judge it but i'm really too lazy.

andrea is doing ok. i talked to her today and she is staying in bed for the most part for the next 4 weeks. she's very bored. she's glad her mom is there to keep her company. i will probably try to get to philly in an upcoming weekend so that i can entertain her with my stupid antics.

i put 'my architect' on my q but it has a LOT of french and saunders episodes before it.

yes, everyone at live aid sang badly. simon lebon was a memorable example.

happy bday ww

I can't believe it's snowed all day again today!

I DID watch AR last night and really wish I could like that show. It seems as though they could make it more interesting. I mean they go to EVERY place in the world. Why can't it be a tour show as well? And let's face it...after you see the first group do the challenge you don't need to see the rest do you? I mean not unless they get in a major fight. The "hillbilly's " got the boot last night. I was sorry to see them go as they seemed to be the only decent people on the show. Rob and Amber came in 3rd. The first place people got 10000 each.

Happy Birthday WW!!!!!

I'm so happy I have a date with the Wonders for dinner Friday night. I'm going to cook for Janelle in honor of her bday. I think I'm make Jamie Oliver's chicken maybe. But if you have suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Tom is too sweet. It's nice to be appreciated isn't it.

Well...I know I should say more than that - but I can't because whatever I said would sound stupid. But anyway, the movie is about a man who's father was a world famous architect. He goes around the world visiting his father's works and talking to people that knew him and worked with him. Louis Kahn (the architect) was from Philadelphia so RR may be interested in it slightly.

Jen - give us an Andrea report.

Blog Review: My Architect

See Jen? That's a link. Anyway. I've seen this movie three times now and it's good. Watch it for yourself but it really is MUCH better on a large screen so find someone with a big screen tv or rent a theater to really get it.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

i haven't seen requiem for a dream. maybe i'll netflix it. i love that. even though i haven't gotten any movies yet. today at work i finally met my other office mate. i think we'll get along fine, as we enjoyed our 11:30 american idol meeting, our 12 pm wendy's outing, and our 12:30 pm bargain store discussion. at the end of the day she said she knows someone who rents out apartments, so she'll try to hook me up when the time comes. thank blog. apts here are a little more than the portland area. but not a TON more. just some.

yes, i'm not ramming the roads and i don't have an easterly view in this apt, so i should cancel. however, if i kept my subscription i could stream online. but i think i'll cancel as there is plenty of free streaming music out there. like fnx. if you have never listened to www.fnxradio.com, and you like alternative music....get it! they have a streaming feed and they're a pretty good station. plus they have leftover lunch which i think all of you would enjoy.

Product Review: Eckerd Oil of Beauty (for sensitive skin)

This is a product you can find in the Marden's product bin thanks to the florida hurricanes or a bankruptcy. It is excellent product fragrance free and a package that is so convincing it makes you think you're buying oil of olay if you just identify your product by the package design and don't actually read the label. Try it for yourself.

One of you should come up with a little blogdeer game. I'm working. I have mags for Leigh and Emily. I'll mail them to you today if I think of it.

Last night JK and I watched Fear Factor - Reality Allstars and capped off the evening with the Tribute to George Harrison. This morning I COULDN't wake up. I think someone slipped me a Mickey. Anyway I finally rolled my ass out of be around 9:30 fed the chickens, then JK, MK and IK. MK had - can you guess Jen? - yes! that's right - chocolate chip pancakes!!! Hooray for me making something I would NEVER feed my own children.

I think trading in XM for Netflix is a good idea now that you won't be ramming the roads all the time.