Well what a day i've had. My cats have been wild and obnoxious but they've calmed down now since taily pooped in the kitchen. Friggin cats.
Ok so for my reality tv update. I couldn't STAND amazing race so I'm not going to watch that anymore.
I did watche the contender, since I like boxing, and I figured I'd like that...but Burnett seems to think the boxing isn't as interesting as the interpersonal fighting so he only shows about three minutes of the match (with slow mo punching even). I think he's missing a big chance to get men to watch reality TV. I don't know if I can take it though. I'll give it another week.
In educational news, I watched the String Theory show on PBS last night, and I have to say I thought it was very interesting. I have a hard time with Quantum Physics though so I guess that's my limit. It did inspire me to read the Poe sci fi stories though, so that will be my next book.
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