Wednesday, March 30, 2005

ok, well there. there's a lot to do here - but first - to answers Leigh's question.....

In the early nineties I went to this Italien place in Portland Luna D'oro. Jim, Tim (roommates) and I went out for a night on the town because we had a GREAT weekend of tips at the Downs (where we worked). We had pretty much everything on the menu including 4 bottles of wine. Price Tag: $500+ we had several apps a soup course a pasta course, main, fruit & cheese, and dessert. I can't imagine how much we ate. We starved ourselves for two days so we could eat everything, and that really worked for us. Then we went over the top and each ate a pint of ice cream that night at midnight (which was our nightly ritual at the time). Good times.

Tied was this dinner I made for some of our friends. We had two chickens, soup, i can't remember what was served with the chickens though, tons of cheese and fruit, bread and chocolate for dessert (it was a portuguese feast, that was the theme). One of the best nights of my life with absolutely the worst recovery time. Just ask Beavus.


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