Friday, March 04, 2005

wow i guess the virus really loves snoop. i'm getting SO psyched for D2, if ONLY i could get my plane ticket in order!

the young girl (28) who is in my office LOVES D2 and is psyched that i'm going. she's jealous.

boss was out today so there was a lot of screwing off, burning cd's, talking about failed engagements, etc. but we did do a little work too. the thing about my job is that there is virtually no work until right before a major deadline, then 20 people submit their work to me and i have to stay up all night to do it. ah well. i had lunch with tmonster today.

i have NO idea what i'm doing this weekend as i still have no money to blow and don't know my way around. i think starbucks will be involved, however.


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