Well, I watched survivor last night, but made myself go to sleep for the apprentice so i don't know what happened on that one. That's about it.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
rk that was a HILARIOUS joke.
i'm waiting for mila to get off the phone so i can go to target with her.
snoop, that's always been my coffee habit--coffee on days off. then it's a treat, not a necessity. but this am instead of coffee i had stash brand chai spice tea with international delights cinnamon creamer in it. YUM-O.
Sounds good to me Leigh. 2 bottles should just about do it. Anyway...here are MY plans for the weekend. Isaiah and I will go to the Howland homecoming parade. After the parade we will pick up Thomas and head to Bangor where we will spend a ton of money at the arcade. After that we will get lunch someplace fabulous and then take in a movie. I don't know what we're going to see, but the boys want to do the town. So that's what we're going to do. Anyone can join us that wishes.
Joke of the day:
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily
briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3
Brazilian soldiers were killed." "OH NO!" the
president exclaims. "That's terrible!" His staff sits
stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching
as the president sits, head in hands. Finally,
president looks up and asks, "How many is a
in sleep news, i woke up at 11:20. i woke up at 7:46 to pee but decided there was no way in hell that i was staying awake at that time on my day off. so max and i cuddled down for a few more hours' rest. i have the rest of the week off so i'm going to enjoy it...here are my plans....today i'm going to clean a bit, do some laundry, go to target and go to yoga. tomorrow i'm going to go to georgetown, go to tea, and probably go see coldplay at night. saturday and sunday i will have no money left from thursday and friday, so i'm just going to hang out, read, and watch food network.
I'm going to whine about sleep. Even though I'm not pregnant. I can't sleep. I haven't slept in 10 years with a few noteable exceptions. I ALWAYS wake up due to someone snoring or someone crying or someone meowing or stress or allergies. I often wonder what I would be like if I had a weeks worth of sleep.
I'm apprehensive to say the least. But he NEVER wants to do anything with other kids, so I think I'm obligated to let him do it. Don't worry, he will be constantly chaperoned by either his father or myself. In other kid news...Maddy and JK are taking the hunter safety course this weekend.
I didn't watch anything last night. I spent the night reeling from my two defeats in chess and playing poker. In kid news: Maddy has joined chorus and Isaiah wants to join the Boy Scouts.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
trust me you don't have to tell me ANYTHING about the thankless job of working for the taxpayers. that's a big reason why i like the job i have now.
do you prefer the top or the bottom of the bagel?
I prefer the top because it's softer. and at dd they use too much cornmeal on the bottom. and i don't think the dd here uses philly cream cheese, and for that, the bastards should rott in hell.
I'm super happy about that vacation as i learn that i am only working monday and tuesday of that week.
last night i went to see the white stripes with mila. the shins opened for them. OH MY GOD was it the best concert EVER! and i really mean that. if you EVER EVER EVER get the chance to go see the white stripes, please do. you sit there and wonder how two people can make so much noise, as the person you went with is dancing and plugging her ears at the same time. the ws played most of my favorite songs (except the one that's featured on rathergood.com), and the shins played my favorite songs by them too. it was INCREDIBLE. jack white covered "Jolene" which was like, more than i could ever hope for, and though he's not very cute and his jumpsuit was a bit too tight, he is a sexy mofo. i have had ws songs in my head all day.
in other news, because i worked my tailfeathers off while my boss was out for 6 weeks, i got the rest of the week off, and a work award--it's called "integic pride" or something--usually they give $100 amex cards, but i got a $100 Morton's steakhouse card. which is good, because i've always wanted to go there, now i have an excuse.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
We're taking a family vacation!!! Can you imagine? Since the kids have the entire week off we're headed south to visit Jen and JK's alma mater.
EXACTLY...and as Jen said, the kids can play along. I'm sure Liam is GREAT at making picture frames.
Monday, September 26, 2005
I agree - photos can count as arts and crafts. The whole IDEA behind themed xmas is that you can feel really good about giving the people you love CHEAP xmas gifts. That's why we do it, you get the credit for participating without having to put yourself out too much. Of course you get extra points for being really clever about it.
i think photos definitely count as art. and no one expects you to buy gifts for anyone but kids anyway, you'll be a non-working mom of two little kids, fer cripe's sake--you won't even have time to THINK about christmas!
Jen suggested the them for this year be "arts n crafts". Does anyone else have a suggestion so we can have a vote? It's after Labor day you know......
Our weekend was ok despite the funeral. I spent saturday morning with Hopie, Lora and Lil making sandwiches which was very entertaining. In the late afternoon Leigh and I went to Lincoln for a gigantic mochalatte which was much deserved. We joined Marc and Charles who were having lunch. We all praised Lincoln Donuts for serving a decent lunch at a decent price. Note: Dear managers of LD, please turn up the temperature on your coffee machine. It's too cold.
In the evening we played poker (JK won). Yesterday we didn't do much except watch football. We were joined by the lovely Leigh who rooted for the Pat's as if she had been doing it for years. She and I went to Lincoln again (subs this time - JJ's). She stayed through the duration of DH. Today I have been working and JK has been reading, mostly.
Friday, September 23, 2005
i am SOOOOO glad melissa is gone--i hated her 5 minutes in.
so apparently i'm supposed to have 2 phone lines but i only have 1. this is a crisis apparently. i guess it's the sort of thing some people get really wound up about--because when i mentioned it to the office manager, she had people on it right away. i personally don't care, but it is big news up here on floor 3.
happy birthday mila!!!!!!
I kind of thought it was required for models to smoke, take Ecstasy and do every drug available. I didn't even assume it was optional. What IS definitely required is that you don't talk about.
I miss yoga, I think I'll go do a tree pose right now.
Anyway, I think golf is exercise only if you do not take a cart, if you carry your own clubs, and if you're not drunk while doing it. I can take or leave DH, I like Lost but always seem to miss it, and I have NOT seen Martha's new talk show either. I did watch survivor and DT Apprentice last night. I don't know why Melissa couldn't see how obnoxious she was being, even though she did have good ideas.
i sort of assumed that kate had always used coke, which is another major difference between she and i (i like to compare us as polar opposites because we were born on exactly the same day). i love dh because it is funny, and i guess i'm the only person on the planet who hasn't seen martha's talk show.
i think golf is good exercise for people who don't get ANY exercise. but if you chase a 3 year old, or go to the gym, golf is nothing. especially when combined with the malt beverage of your choice.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
you know, no matter how hard i try, i cannot get into lost. it just isn't very good to me. everytime i see it this woman is strutting around this guy. whatever. tonight yoga, burritos, then chatting with t and m. good thing i'm having the burrito AFTER the yoga......
That DOES sound like a great evening. Much better than my own, which I spent mostly crying and/or trying not to cry. My boy was very very upset about Ralph. He spent the night with his Grampa. He doesn't want to ride the bus. I did, however, manage to watch Martha and an episode of Curb.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I've updated our house website
Click on the link above to be instantly transported to the (almost) current conditions.
Where'd all the bloggers go anyway????
Last night bridge was held at Gram's. She made a wonderful treat but I dont' know what it's called, it was kind of like a smore but not really because it had rice krispies or something in it. The cards were FANTASTIC, well, for me anyway, still, I didn't win high. That honor went to Aunt Lora who beat me by 21 points. Happy Birtday Aunt Hopie!!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I like my pirate name, until further notice I'll be responding ONLY when addressed as Black Ethel. Anyway, what are you up to? I TRIED to watch the Emmy's I REALLY did. But, as Jen said, it was too boring. I do have one fashion comment to make, however. Patricial Arquette had the WORST hair and fashion of the entire night. Well, at least during the first hour. I fell asleep after that.
Monday, September 19, 2005
My pirate name is:
Iron Jenny Bonney

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.
well, every once in a while some little thing comes along on the internet that is basically pretty useless, but you want to try anyway...I give you my latest find...
Sure it's only books, he should add cd, dvd, sections too.
My pirate name is:
Black Ethel Cash

Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.
well i'm trying to decide if i'm going to watch AD tonight or not. i have watched it a few times...it is amusing.
work is finally slowing to a manageable pace. yay for that.
i've decided i'm buying a new car in march, raise provided.
the emmys annoyed the BJs out of me last night. why didn't hugh laurie win? james spader? give me an effing break? and what was with the orange dresses? those girls are going to be embarrassed about THAT decision, lemme tell ya.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
My Emmy roundup
The opening was SOOOO lame
Ellen was cute and funny
The DH's were too giggly, but very beautiful, Marcia Cross had a little too much skirt for my liking.
I don't car who wins best supporting sitcom actor.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Well, Amy's home, the 'rents (including Leigh's 'rents) are all in Louden. I noticed they were conspicuously ABSENT from Imus' show there today. Ah, well, they probably partied to much last night to get up in time. Anyway, Amy Leigh and I were all so psyched for the new season opener for survivor that we planned to have pizza during it, but they freakin' MOVED the time. So when we popped the tv on at 8 it was half over. Gawd. I checked the listing for goodness sake, so we'd know when it was on) Anyway, it's good to see Stephanie back, and I hope she gets to stay through the merge at least. Bobby John, the poor thing, showed he's STILL not much help to his team, but you couldn't really blame him this time. Anyway, cheers to the new season.
In other news...the state has very graciously decided to pave in here, so there is new hot top from Lincoln to Grand Falls. Lowell is next.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I say October 12. I've always wanted a kid named after me, but do her a favor and spell it without the "a" at the end.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Yes, we'll do wing wah takeout on Saturday. I must warn you - we're taking a day trip to Pembroke on Saturday, but should be back by 7. I'll give you my wing wah order and money and you guys can pick it up - or I'll call you from Lee and you can order and I'll pick it up - whatever.
i have absolutely no desire for any of that stuff. of course, sometimes i lay on my boob when i turn over in my sleep, and that in itself hurts like a mofo.....
Monday, September 12, 2005
Man there's nothing more uncomfortable than trying to sleep when you're 8 months pregnant. (Well, except when you're 9 months pregnant) You can't just roll over you know...you have to sit up completely, decide which way you're belly's going to flop and then very gingerly roll over. Then undoubtably the baby's foot will be sticking out and it feels like you're laying on a rock so you have to sit up and start all over again. It's ridiculous.
Blog Events:
Not much going on but here's the short list:
Thursday: Survivor kick-off party - my house
Friday: Wing-wahoo! drinks and crab rangoons
Saturday: Poker game
I wished I used the phrase "riparian entertainments" on my shower invitations - just like Hyacinth. But maybe that means riverside, I don't know and there really weren't any entertainments I guess. Anyway, it was the perfect number of people and a very beautiful guest of honor. Are you all rested?
Sunday, September 11, 2005
wow, she's giving the very detailed description of her trip. can i just say i can't effing wait for my boss to get back?
my guess was that rr was in romania....or hugary.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Greetings. My life is in turmoil as I took my computer in for a little work and the guy totally reformatted it. I've lost pretty much everything, since he didn't save what I asked him to for some reason. So anyway, most of my pictures, ALL of my recipes - gone into the either. I'm sure their out there in the microsoft 5th dimension, but they're not on my computer any more. So, I'd be eternally gratefull if, when you have the time, you'd scan your emails and send me back any recipes or pics I might have sent you.
Oh, and I know I should back up, but I disc drives weren't working so I couldn't - and that's why I asked the guy to do it for me. Luckily I did have backups of the EXTREMELY important stuff.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Christmas theme suggestion
we've had paper, liquor, and kitchen gadget.......how about arts n' crafts christmas? input? response?
i love hot dogs, and i have some in my fridge, and i LOVE postcards (really love postcards) but there is no way i'm eating that.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I'm dying to see Shaun of the dead. JK and I watched "The Chase" starring Robert Redford, Robert Duvall and Jane Fonda. It wa VERY good. We also started to watch 301/302 last night but the power went out before we really got way into it.
Adventures in Babysitting
Liam and I are having a LOT of fun. We've played 3 games of Clifford the big red dog, (Liam won them all), we watched Scooby Doo. We've had several breakfasts:waffles, toast and fruitloops with apple slices. We have fed and counted the chickens several times at my "farm". Liam calls John "Uncle John" whenever JK is NOT in the room. However, for some reason he calls him "Uncle Charlie" whenever JK enters the room, then he laughs and laughs, it's the BEST joke. Anyway, we've watched scooby doo, and now are visiting Aunt Suzanne. We've having mac and cheese for dinner. It's been an ultra carb day.