Well, I haven't been sleeping much lately (about 6 hours) so I've taken to watching movies in bed at night. The last few nights I've watched "Ordinary People," which is based on a book I used to teach--it IS ordinary, but it is beautiful and Mary Tyler Moore plays the biggest biatch ever. If you like slow 80s movies that are ALMOST after school specials but really much more heartbreaking, get it.
The wife of the guy who bought my ipod offered to replace my serpentine belt...so she did. My car is STILL squealing, however...I discovered this upon starting my car after she brought it back to me. It doesn't squeal as much, it definitely running better, but it still squeals when I start it. Quite sad.
Beavis is coming tomorrow for the weekend. We are going to Philly to celebrate Andrea's nuptials. Our first stop after he lands? Red Robin, of course. You haven't been to the one in Augusta yet? Shame on you! Get the Banzai--it's my fave.
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