Thank blog it wasn't the South Park person effing up the blog! So my boss is out today--her 20 year old daughter is having her 2nd kid--don't get me started.
This weekend I'm doing a HUGE clean because I have company coming and I'm going away for xmas and I hate coming back from vacation to a messy house. I'm getting out the big guns. Chemicals, magic eraser, and swiffer...
My zyrtec isn't working on my allergies anymore. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I should take 1 every 12 hours? It is sad. I sit at work and sneeze all day. Then I go home, and I'm ok because I have a big-ass air purifyer, but then I wake up at 5 or 6 completely stuffed up. It's a nightmare--I don't want to go to an allergist, but I am considering it.
Last night for suppah I had chicken and squash. It was very hearty and wintery.
And I love Edy's Frozen Yogurt "Blends." I'm not sure what they're blending--the first ingredient is skim milk, and the third ingredient is cream, so it's not "health food," but it is lower-calorie than ice cream and tastes JUST LIKE Schwan's chocolate ice cream--that is enough for me.
I cannot wait for my Tim Horton's MOCHA. Is the TH in Brewer open yet?
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