Friday, September 15, 2006

Trust me, it isn't worth it. OK it's worth it if it's a half-hour out of your way. If it's six hours out of your way you will lose a friend for life, because it's exTREMEly disappointing. To me, even a fog engulfed Lake Eerie was a LOT more impressive than the falls. Even though we couldn't see it, Jen and I kept saying, "is that STILL Lake Eerie?" It was.

Today I'm going to start painting the trim in my kitchen, or maybe I'll do the cupboards in the bathroom. I don't know which. Yesterday I spend most of my day dealing with the antique paint stain in the dining room. I have to say I did a pretty good job, so now I'll post the method: Take some olive oil, brush it over the stain and let it sit until you feel like starting the scrubbing - but AT LEAST a half hour. Take some medium grade steel wool and start lightly scrubbing the stain. It will take a few minutes but then you'll start to see the stain coming up. My entire project, about 1.5 s.f. took me about an hour of scrubbing. Then you just wipe it up. The great thing about this method is that it does NOT harm the finish on the floor. It does, however, make the boards REALLY smooth, so you would probably need to do something to rough it up if you were working in a high traffic area.

I also spackled holes in some woodworked and fixed all the squeaks in my squeaky doors.

This afternoon I am going to Bangor with GG, so I'll be on the mobile after three. This weekend not much is really going on. Leigh, Madeline and I are going to start M's room and Leigh and I will be watching football all afternoon Sunday. We're going to have chicken burritos.



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