Tuesday, September 05, 2006


On Saturday, I finished cleaning the dining room and we moved a little more stuff. Mitsy came and visited us for a long time. Then we had a Fire Dept thing to go to and we took the kids to the Springfield fair. I think Leigh came down for a minute.

Sunday we moved the table and kitchen crap and beds and tons of clothes. I've been sweeping spiders down every day. There is a very large colony of spiders as big as your fist. I seem to be winning the war so far. I cleaned more and cooked veggy and reg. lasagne, bread and apply pan dowdy (that one didn't work). I forgot to get salad stuff so it was a one course meal. In the evening Jerry, Todd, Dawn, Dylan, Dad, Mom, Georgia and Flora came down. Some of them ate, some of them sang. We had a really fun time. I introduced Dylan to NASCAR and he seemed to enjoy it, even if I didn't. We somehow drank 5 bottles of wine. They all left around 10 and Jerry John and I stayed up till midnight, with me entertaining them with my Kris Kristopherson repertoire. AVVGTWHBA


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