Sunday, August 06, 2006

Last night I dreamed about Pepperidge Farm cookies--specifically Milanos and those tube cookies dipped in chocolate. I dreamed that I really wanted some so bad that I hitchhiked to Bangor to get some. I went Kmart to buy them but they were out (though I did run into an old student and I told her how to pick a size for her kid's shirt). Everything else was closed. So I ran to Lowell to get some at Ellens and all she had were some at the bottom of a Subway bag--Ralph ate them all with his sub, and she was mad that he wasn't home. So I called RK and she came and got me and took me to her house, but all her cookies had melted together, and she had ORANGE Milanos so they were allllllll covered with this orange chocolate goo. I was sad. Dad must have read my mind because he brought home one of those canisters of chocolate dipped tube Pepperidge Farm cookies from Lincoln.

I think I better go get some cookies today.


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