Saturday, June 10, 2006

So sometime around 5, Will called and decided to take the train down here. I decided to go to Wegman's and get cherries and make him a cherry pie. I don't even LIKE cherry pie, but whatever. SO I made it while I waited. At midnight I went to the metro to pick him up....we decided that we needed a slurpee run before we went home. So we basically slept until lunch time and then I took him to Red Robin (of course). He LOVED it. Then we did some errands and came back here and tried a sliver of pie. He loved that as well, but now I have this whole cherry pie here. I admit it is way too runny--it is too runny to take to work. I know I'm going to end up throwing it out, but even I enjoyed it. I will be having warm cherry pie with vanilla bean ice cream (Edy's Grand Vanilla Bean for $1.99! Gotta love Wegman's) for suppah, while I watch a combo of netflix--Monty Python, Aristocrats, and my newest dvd purchase, KITH season 3.


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