Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bridge Report

Bridge was held at the home of Nonie. We started VERY late because some people forgot it was bridge night. The cards weren't as sucky as last week, but they weren't great either. I DID hear that SuzyQ got a grand slam, which probably contributed greatly to her high score. I don't have a clue who was low, but I got goose. Nonie served strawberry shortcake which was delish. AVGTWHBA despite the pouring rain and not getting out until after 10.

It was ok though because I got to come home and watch the Heat win the NBA championship and you know I would never have done that if I weren't all wound up. I'm slightly worried though, because I was actually interested in the fourth quarter and even asked JK to move his foot a few times so I could see better. I recognize these symptoms from my beginning to like football and you know how that has worked out. Shaq looks really good doesn't he?


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