blog review: Batatas
Batatas are billed as a "cuban sweet potato" here is a link so you'll know what they look like.
Thank you wegmans, I love you, truly I do.
So they are NOT the most beautiful thing you'll ever put in your grocery cart, that's very true, but they are NOT quite as hideous as horseradish root now are they?
thanks again weggy baby! Ok well, they are close in ugliness I grant you.
The taste is very pleasing despite their horrible appearance, but here are some tips if you plan on serving them. They advice you to let them soak in cold water to avoid discoloration. What they mean is to NEVER LET ANY AIR GET TO THEM, PEEL, SLICE AND DICE UNDER COLD WATER AND PLUNGE IMMEDIATELY INTO WATER TO SOAK OR THEY WILL TURN A DISGUSTING GREY IMMEDIATELY AND I CANNOT STRESS HOW IMMEDIATE THIS IS!!! I did not do this to the first batata I dealt with, but I DID do it to the other two. Ok second tip: do not serve this to anyone you want to impress unless you are eating in the complete and utter darkness. While the TASTE of batatas is VERY pleasing indeed (not as sweet as a sweet potato, just lightly sweet), the look of them is horrible. If you served them to the queen she would think you were serving her old grey potatoes and you would NEVER get your knighthood, or prince Harry's hand in marriage, whatever the reason you would be cooking for, it wouldn't work. Please don't serve batatas to the queen, but you may serve them to me because I like them very much indeed, so does JK and so does Maddy.
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