Monday, November 07, 2005

What's going on with the blog? Did one of you screw it up? Because I certainly didn't.

Yesterday I made bread and watched Category 7. I must say it was a lot better than Category 6, but then it should be shouldn't it. Even JK watched it and was gratified by all the destruction. I thought they should have explained why George Washington's face fell of Mt. Rushmore though, they didn't do a very good job of that - something about water freezing and thawing I guess. There was also a MAJOR plot flaw in that Randy Quaid was in TRACTION IN THE HOSPITAL in one scene, then he asks the nurse for a hacksaw - SHE BRINGS HIM ONE _ AS IF!! and the next minute he's driving around chasing storms. WHATEVER. Ah well, the only downfall was that it's continued until next Sunday. Hopefully they don't destroy the entire world, because then there'll be no Category 8 will there. Anyway as for the cast, Shanon Doherty was a lot better than Nancy McKEon in cat 6. Swoozie was pretty good, and the two hunky guys are actually hunky.


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