Thursday, August 04, 2005

So last night, m, t, and i went to wolftrap to a concert. i love wolftrap because the lawn seats are on a slant so you can sit on the lawn and still see the show. we had a picnic of beck's, coconut chicken, green beans with shallots, and roasted corn salad. oh and mango/black bean salsa. oh, and brownies. and LOTS of water because it was SO effing hot and humid until the sun went down. avgtwhba.....who did i see? i'm not telling because you'll all just mock. you wouldn't like any of them. ok ok...we saw ben lee, ben folds, and rufus wainwright. now just hush--you don't have to criticize my musical taste. they were all good. i LOVE ben lee he's the cutest thing. he's about 5'5 and has a face like a cabbage patch doll. i got up at 7 this morning and went to the gym. my legs ache.


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