well i am back from my weekend in fla. the weather was disgustingly hot. if you want details of my trip, email me and i'll give them to you on a need-to-know basis.
i am ready to get my own apt now, i miss my cat terribly. i want a mini datshund, can i have one?
today my boss told me that i didn't have to come in until noon, but i woke up at 8:30 and had nothing better to do so i went to work, got there at 10 and had a highly productive day.
also, ltl, i cannot grow my nails, and just fyi, i don't spend much time thinking about those who do, so you don't have to feel like continuing that public service.
i was very sad to have missed the wonder wedding and all the crazy burgoynes. kisses to all of you!
todd and i decided NOT to face the crowds of the capital fireworks, so we watched them on tv like retired people.
you people and your crazy poker.
what new cds should i be buying ltl?
i think i'll get maddy's kelly clarkson t-shirt for her for her birthday. a check is so much easier than wrapping a box and getting it to the po to mail.
rk--did you email me cake recipes?
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