Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Regarding dogs:

I also have a GENERAL dislike of dogs. This is basically because dog owners think EVERYONE should love their dog as much as they do. I hate strange dogs intruding in my space, smelling, slobbering all over everyone and everything. Keep your dog on a leash and under control - especially around other people. Even if you know me well. I do NOT like to be jumped on. I do NOT like to be lapped. I don't let my cats and kids get all over everyone, usually even if they're invited. My other MAJOR problem with dogs is that everyone around here has some kind of killer breed and they have no problem letting them run loose in their yards. Of course the dog doesn't STAY in the yard - especially if someone is walking on the road. I wish I weren't so afraid. I'd make one bite me then sue.


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