Wednesday, June 08, 2005

June 8, 2005

Office Space

Ah, the workplace. It's a wonderland of sorts.

Filled with tiny cubicles ruled by an evil overlord who abuses his underlings and crushes their creative spark while forcing them to drink stale coffee.

Why leave all that fun at the office? Bring your work — and your work environment — home with you with The Cubes. Each set contains one plastic figure and all the parts: four walls, a desk, a chair, a file cabinet, an in-and-out box, a phone, and a computer, so office madness can be had anywhere. There's also a sticker sheet you can use to create meaningless job titles (imagine that).

The expansion set has four more figures and nine plastic accessories (cell phone, calculator, laptop, coffee cup, clipboard, briefcase, etc.) that make the faux-office feel more like the real hell-away-from-home you visit eight hours a day. Even Junior will get in on the fun.

You'll have a little chip off the old cube in no time.

Available online at mcphee.com. To download morale boosters, go to cubefigures.com.


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