I've been without internet access since Thursday afternoon. It's like not having a right arm. So I had to take my puter to the Dr. He said it has a virus and he's fixing it. Hopefully it will get to come home today. I think my computer should have a name.
Sunday noon, will be a mother's day cookout at Gram's. I'm making the REAL ester's Marmalade Cake. I'm going to use REAL orange marmalade not SHIT from Marden's. Be there or be square. Tommy and Suzanne are organizing the entire thing if you have any questions contact them.
I think that's the end of the announcements so I'll move on with the weekend update.
Friday JK and I took the kids to the circus. The band wasn't there!!! I hope that was just because it was 3:00 on Friday and for no other reason. The favorite act was the big black dogs that were dressed, and trained to be horses. They were very funny. The most intriguing act was "David and Donna", these were illusionists who changed their clothing in 1 second flat. We couldn't figure that one out. It was interesting how all the acts were either Italien, Russian or from Belarusse. After the circus we went to the Gov's and came home over Rt. 2 so we could gawk at all the flooding.
Saturday I cleaned house and did laundry, and went to lincoln a couple of times. I visited GG. Sunday Maddy and I visited GG for a second, went to Marden's and the Mill Street Diner, then we went and had tea at Chez Wonder. AGTWHBA.
Sunday evening, since AFV wasn't on, JK played poker all night. The kids played upstairs. I watched the Contender and went to bed. I TRIED to stay up through DH but I think i'm having sympathy exhaustion for LTL because I need to sleep all the time. What's up with that? Well that's it for me today. As I'm without modem you'll have to blog without me. I can't wait to hear about HHGTTG, it grossed like 22 million this weekend or something???
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