Monday, May 09, 2005

Blog Review: Ticketmaster

OM I had a wonderful time with ticketmaster this morning. I spent about an hour planning my ticket attack - would I buy online - or call or whatever. I don't know how it occurred to me, because you know how you can never get through, or when you finally do 15 minutes after the event starts you can only get nosebleed seats - remember those AMY?

Anyway I decided to call TM at 3 minutes before 10, I figured I'd press "repeat the menu" till 10 and then at least I'd have a phone connection. Well after it says "repeat the main menu" 4 times, an operator picked up. He was so nice and friendly. So I chatted with him for a few minutes asking him how the seating was going to be arranged etc. But then I ran out of questions and the guy said - "Well if you hold for another 30 seconds we can get your tickets!" Imagine a ticketmaster person OFFERING to be helpful. So I did. It was great. He took all the credit card info and thanks to my American Express I got a shot at the good seats. Since the next ones available were just $13 cheaper, I made the executive decision to go for the gold. I mean if you're going to see Neil Diamond you might as well have a chance of being sweated upon right? So I jumped. We're stage center row 16. I wonder if he'll sing Sweet Child of Mine - I bet you can sing it to the tune SWeet Caroline....


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