Monday, February 21, 2005

Blog Review: Valmont

Starring Colin Firth, Annette Bening, Meg Tilly and Fairuza Balk

1989, Directed by Milos Forman

The is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'll rate it a negative 16 for general stupidity, a negative 6 for bad story and a negative 2000 for unbelievability. And you KNOW I wanted to like it because of Colin.

Annette stars of course as Marquise de Merteuil, now with a name like that set in Baroque France, I just couldn't handle her way too California accent. Give me a break. Also, the father of Ferris Bueller really can't play any rolls but that one, can he? You just can't take him serious. Meg Tilly was also terrible and I generally like her and Fairuza was SO stupidly acting that I couldn't believe her as an innocent. DON'T watch it!!! Even if you have a terrible crush on Colin Firth. Save yourself!!!!


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