Thursday, January 27, 2005

Yeah right, as if. Well this a.m. we let maddy sleep in because she was very tired. So I took her to school and went to Lincoln thinking I'd get the ingredients for RR's fabulous chicken. So I did the bank thing and the gas thing and I left Lincoln without even a second thought about cat food, toilet paper, dishwasher shit OR the chicken ingredients. I was halfway home before I remembered. What an idiot.

OK Emily, I have a better kid swearing storey for you. I really thinks it trumps "Jesus" but I'll let you vote.

Isaiah came home and was happily playing his gameboy on the bed. We were all watching king of the hill and just jellin'. So he says, Mama, there's a matching game on the computer at school, and there's a yellow butterfly on it, and some of my friends call it Peter Peckerhead!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH

So he told me three or four times. I was quite STUNNED actually. I didn't know what to say. I inadvertantly LAUGHED. Oh well. John got it together enough to make sure the boy realized it wasn't something you should say in school.


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