Monday, January 03, 2005

Ok since last you saw me I have watched all or part of about 6 football games. Tonight is the game of games for us though - as VT is playing Auburn. I know how much you all care about this. Anyway I'm looking at Atlanta vs. Pittsburg for the Superbowl. I've picked Pitt for my AFC team instead of the Pat's just to make it interesting here at my house during the AFC championship game. I was rooting WICKEDLY for Pitt's 2nd and 3rd string against Bledsoe and the Bills and it paid off didn't it! He sucks! Anyway, I also did mega laundry and dishes and still have more to do. I also went shopping twice and got groceries and misc odds and ends. I had a fun visit with the wonders on Saturday and picked up my EXCELLENT present - the 1000 greatest movies of all time 1971 edition.


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