MMM that dinner sounds scrumptious! Wish I were there. JK and I finished season 3 disc 1 of Curb last night and are anxiously awaiting disk two. Except that it's the final disc so then I'll have to wait another entire year for season 4 and that makes me not want to get disc 2, you understand I'm sure. We also watched a couple of episodes of SITC. I admit I got a little choked up at the end with NEVER happens to me. I must have caught that from Leigh. Leigh, what is your schedule this weekend. I'm thinking of taking the kiddos to the movie and we want you to go.
I am ENTIRELY caught up in Vanity Fair and really can't get much else accomplished and my whole family is pissed at me because all I do is read all the time.
JK and I had leftover spaghetti and meatballs for dinner last night. It was excellent.
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