Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Burlington Bridge Report

Bridge was held at the home of O and S, hosted by R. There were only SIX of us. That was better than 7 in my opinion because you don't have to wait for a Dummy to bid. You just bid on your hand and take a chance on the dummy hand. I bid all the time and got set several time but that's ok, we had fun didn't we. It really was not difficult to bid with the dummy, if you dared, because it was LOADED every single times. My strategy was to bid if nobody else did and then bid them up to two or three just to make it interesting if I could. Needless to say, I got low because of this ignorant strategy. But it didn't matter anyway did it, because as hostess I was ineligible for prizes. They all HATED the kettle corn popcorn that I bought and preferred the stale popcorn out of the giant can instead. There was no treat, as it is on hiatus for the winter. Prizes were won by: Suzanne - High; Helen - low; Tracey - goose. The prizes were chocolates that I got for xmas gifts in various sizes and varieties.

We got done WICKED early - 9:00 - so I was in time for the second quarter of the orange bowl. It was a blowout though and not worth watching so I read VF. Didn't sleep at all last night due to annoying noises in my house and being nervous about not hearing the alarm from upstairs. Got up at 5:30 today, went to bangor with ODS and here I am. Jen's working today. I bought a glamour so I could put SOMETHING on the blog. Should we have a tsunami blogathon fundraiser?


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