Sunday, January 16, 2005

back to the land of the living

Yes, she lives. Believe it or not. So I've had the flu apparently. That's how I'm diagnosing it due to my symptoms. It was a mild flu and short lasting and I'm not completely over it but I'm functioning as a real person and not some brainless lump of crap sweating in the bed. So Thursday when I thought I had a cold I went to work with JK and measured as much of a building as I could. It was a big mistake because I was comPLETEly wiped out. Luckily for me Suzanne bailed me out and kept the kids and I went home and crashed. I didn't sleep a bit as mind-racing was one of my flu symptoms, the others were exhaustion, hip pain, mild fever, severe sinus pressure, mild nausea chills, sweats, etc. That's about it though.


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