So Yesterday Jen and I hit the road at 7:10 a.m. and went to pick up Ev. We made good time and got there before 7:30. We packed him in and took off. ONly stopping for about 4 minutes.
We drove non-stop to Hogan Road where we stopped at DD for coffee. Ev - black, Jen - peppermint mocha latte, self - coffee with cream and sugar. I couldn't drink mine because it was disgusting. We drove to Waterville where we stopped for me to do a little banking and we threw out our coffee cups. I think maybe amy called or leigh - someone did but I can't remember who. We drove straight through to Exeter NH, where we stopped at mcdonalds for a pee break and we had a snack. Then we drove ev to the airport and dropped him off (2 hours before his flight). Everett seemed pleased. I dropped Jen and Ev at the door and decided to drive in circles while Jen showed everett where to go and what to do so I wouldn't have to pay for parking. Well, I did circle 5 times but then decided to park. I went in only to find that Bumpa's flight had been delayed an hour and a half. Well he didn't want us to wait even though we offered 4 or five times so we took off. Jen made sure the people that are picking him up in Florida were aware of the change before we left. Well we stopped at Barnes and Noble right by the airport and got coffees. Jen - peppermint mocha latte, Me - mocha, Figi water for each of us. Chocolate mousse cheesecake for Suzanne's birthday cake, a cute pink travel mug for Leigh for her Bday and that's it. I tried to get a starbucks gift card there but they don't sell them in Barnes and Noble starbucks so don't bother trying. Since we were able to get the cake there we didn't have to stop in Portland so we gassed up somewhere maybe I think and we drove non-stop to Freeport. Oh no we didn't get gas. We drove to Portsmouth and got gas there $1.88/gal. and then we drove non-stop to Freeport. We pulled into LL Bean and found a very excellent parking spot. The only problem was - a New Brunswick Volvo was parked behind up and their truck was open. Jen and I didn't know what to do. Should we shut the trunk? What if they'd been shopping all day and all their stuff was in it? They must have hit the trunk button when they got out or something. Or - what if they left it open on purpose for some reason. It was a real dilemma I tell you. Anyway we left it open, not wanting to interfere. So we went in to beans and did our shopping. We looked at everythink in the food department and bought maple pecans for a snack. Then we bought me some long underwear and Maddy some snowpants and left, stopping outside to get a wreath for suzanne from the Elks or whoever it was. The volvo was still there with the open trunk so we shut it, wanting to be concerned citizens and hoping that we wouldn't set off some car alarm. We didn't. We took off and decided we were hungry so we got a hot dog. It wasn't bad either but it wasn't red. It might have been Jordan's though. Ok so we headed to Bangor where we had a date for the birthday party. Turns out we squandered all our extra time at Beans. We did have time to pick up the rest of Leigh's pres though. So we went to Starbucks and I got her a gift card and what do you know! I hit happy hour and they were giving away free holiday lattes!!! So I got skinny gingerbread with no cream and I was SOOO happy. Then we went to the Thai place and I'll let leigh tell you about the party. It was very good though, as usual. The best thing about the entire party, though, is that we've settled the LRNYE details. It's going to be a slumber/pajama party. So bring your jams and your sleeping bag and we're gonna smoke too. And we're going to have pizza and Paula Dean's Southern Comfort punch. Is Sean going to come this year?
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