Friday, December 03, 2004

Oh yeah, Wednesday night we also watched Rudolf but we watched it on Suzanne's DVD's instead of TV. 9:00 is WAYYY too late for Isaiah to be up on a school night. So we watched it at 7:00 and had hot chocolate. Jen joined us. John watched with us too. It was very good and fun as always. The great thing about the DVD is that there are extended songs, no commercials and the color is a lot better. Plus you get the Rudolph trivia game.

After that, Jen left. JK and I watched season 4, disc 4 of the Sopranos and I'm SO glad that's over. Take it from me. The first two seasons of the Sopranos are GREAT I mean REALLY Great. Watch them. Then stop. Don't watch any more. They get boring and it turns into a big soap opera except running a fashion company they run a mob. Allegedly. You wouldn't know it though because they take out all the killing and drug use and just leave you with threatening glances and a little swearing every once in a while. They must have tamed it to appeal to a larger audience or something.

What am I going to watch now????


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