Wednesday, November 03, 2004

last night i had this dream that was so odd. i don't really remember the beginning of it, but for some reason i had to give this girl a ride in my parents' crown victoria. i was in portland. the girl was asian. i had my purse in the back seat. for some reason she found another one of my purses on the ground outside the car by the backseat. i told her just to throw it in with the other one. so she reached down to put it down on the seat and i saw that she was actually going to steal both purses and run, while i was sitting in the driver's seat with the car running. so i stepped on the gas, and the door shut and her hand got shut in the door. i was going slow so that she could pull her hand out but she was threatening me and i don't know what else but i slammed on teh gas and started going REALLY fast and i think i pulled her hand off. stress dream? ya think???


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