Thursday, October 28, 2004

well i was talking to rachael about how since there is no nhl this year (greedy bastids, all of them), espn has become the poker network. last week tyler and i actually saw them televising a scrabble tournament.....my god, how desperate is that? rachael said "i wish they'd play curling, i love curling" so i wanted to blog about what i saw on espn last week...

call it extreme curling if you wish. a guy, a curling rink, or board, whatever it's called. the guy takes off his shirt, they hose down the ice, and the guy HURLS his body down the court. wherever his head lands, the put a stone. now the next guy, same thing, off with the shirt, hurl down the ice, with the goal of getting his own head into the target and knocking the other stone off target with his body. i thought r would appreciate that.


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