Friday, October 15, 2004

I agree, if they wanted to pass a freaking tax cap they should have phased it in over, say 10 years. However, I'm all for eliminating local government and using a county system like the rest of the world. It's so ignorant to have all these town governments that don't do anything except squabble. That's what will happen anyway if it does pass.

As for bear baiting, I'm not against hunting, but I am against trapping. I think the wild animals should have the benefit of fair chase. Now as for my execution of the occasional chicken, I tell them they may be supper so be warned, they have the option of escaping if they want to. It's their choice to stay and die.

As for the weekend I have no plans. I find myself in the unacceptable position of having the entire evening to myself and I haven't planned anything to do. I think I'll give the wonders a call and see what their up to. If'd I'd thought about it I would have come drank a bottle of wine with LTL.


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