Tuesday, October 05, 2004

cos. crisis: I went through all that I did all those friggin prescriptions, finally I went to a dermot. that said "throw all those things out and use clinique facial soap" that did the trick for me.

news: leigh there is an anchor position open on ch. 5 - apply for the hell of it, and don't forget to send in the "7" tape.

turns out I don't have a lot to respond to thank blog, I was very neglectful of the blog today due to my receptionist duties at E.S.S. The news in sad 31 is that the super resigned and the consensus is that about half the board are a bunch of self absorbed idiots who wouldn't know a good idea if it hit them in the head. I mean who could have imagined this guy would turn out to be an idiot. The whole board who signed his contract should resign for being so ignorant to start with. I know none of you know anything about any of this but I don't care.


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