Friday, September 24, 2004

live from DC

i cannot get enough water when i'm down here. maybe because it's been 90 for the last two days. ugh. not condusive to me looking professional, lemme tell ya.

so i got here yesterday afternoon and mila picked me up. we went to tyson's corner mall and went to bloomies. it was clinique bonus time but i DID NOT get a free gift--i simply did not need any more product. i know what you're thinking; is that even possible? but yes, it is in fact very possible. we did however find some chocolates that we needed.

then we picked up todd from work and went into DC right near the nat'l cathedral to mila's uncle's house. when we got there, i saw this pink birthday hat attached to a person dart across the lawn. mila said "what was that?" and her aunt said "must have been a dog or something"...went out to the back lawn...SURPRISE! mila was VERY surprised at her party. lots of people, lots of wine and cake. then after a few hours we walked to this mexican place...cactus cantina or something like that. i had a frozen strawberry margarita and spinach enchiladas. one of the gals next to me, lucy, had steak fajitas. i tried her meat; it was delish. we all had fun and acted silly. lucy went to get the waitstaff to sing 'happy birthday' to mila but coincidentally she ran into a lively bunch of women she knows so they came over and we rocked the house with the b-day song. mila was a little embarassed as you can imagine but she thought it was fun.


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