Strangers Among US...
Imagine our surprise to have two people in a blue pickup just drive down the field like they owned the place and get out and start walking around. Of course we don't stand for that kind of thing so JK and I went out to investigate. Turns out the THOUGHT they owned the place. We told them they didn't, we did, we were quite sure of it. This was one of those "I can't pay the rent", "you must pay the rent" scenes. "We have an Easement", "you don't have an easement", "well this is what we're going to you", "no you're not", "we have an easement", "you might but it's not here", "we have an easement", "AAAHRRRRRHGGGGGHHHH".
I hate those southern monkey's. Anyway, they left in a tear only to come back and apologize for being wrong after they actually looked at their deed.
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