Monday, August 30, 2004

So JK was upset that I didn't get beer, but I didn't so there. We went to the Irving next door and didn't get beer there either. So we drove to lobster lake. Delorme Maine Atlas Map 50. We unloaded all the crap from the jeep. Loaded the canoe and headed down lobster stream. It was a nice two mile paddle down the stream. When we got to the lake it was blowin' a gale across the lake right in our face. We dug in though, and paddled like hell across the lake. (1 mile) We made it fine, with a bit of cursing. We landed at Ogden Point campsite, scouted the camp and rested for a bit. Then we unloaded the canoe and set up camp. We had a bit of unrest when we thought I had forgotten to pack the second tent. However, we eventually found it so I was allowed to live. After we got the tents set up and the airmattresses installed I made dinner and JK finished unpacking. He built me a nice fire. We had camp goulash #1 for dinner and breakfast the following day.

Camp goulash #1

chop one onion very fine and put it over the fire to saute. Add as much thinly sliced chicken as you want to eat and brown it. Then add water and one package Goya Black beans and rice and cook, covered, until the rice is done. Add a small package of frozen peas and let rest until the peas are hot. Add garlic or basil if you want to. Serve on blue enamel plates.


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