Leigh - please email me Bob's phone number, I have NO idea what i did with that card.
So this a.m. JK, the kids and I loaded up the trailblazing jeep and headed for our supersecretspecial blueberry place where we picked 2/5 GALLONS of blueberries. No NOT QUARTS why don't you believe anything I say. All thes of one small group of bushes not outside a 20ft diameter. We could have picked a bushel. The kids actually helped and had fun doing it. You would have thought we had taken them to Willy Wonka's or something. They ate and picked and talked and talked and talked. There were no bugs and the weather was perfect. All that picking took us just over an hour probably 1.5 hours. So here we are back at home. I picked 2 blueberry bushes on the island and brought them home and planted them. Kristen is here for the next 26 hours. We are going to make pizza for dinner then have ice cream and I might even make them some hot fudge if I'm feeling up to it. I'm doing dishes and laundry and taking care of all the shit I bought yesterday and filling a basket with camping crap. JK is mowing. The kids are watching a movie.
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