Well, I have to say the HDSD report adds a lot of international flair to the blog. You look GREAT HDSD, keep it up. Got up this a.m. at 3:00 to constant drip of RAIN hitting my keyboard again, so I got up and moved the computer and put towels down everywhere. I fought the tears of frustration as i listened to rain pour in through hundreds of places in my house but try as I might I couldn't go back to sleep. I read, I got up, I laid back down, I tried to sleep. Couldn't. Let the chickens out at five, read, decided it was all useless so I went for a drive. Went to El's and watched Edward Scissorhands. Came home (this is 7 a.m.) made JK coffee and prepared to start my day (oh yeah, no water in the house due to a bathroom plumbing failure). Went to Bangor with GG. Bangor was sale city today. 1st stop TJ's where I actually bought a cookie jar, very cute, multicolored stripes on misc cream background, porcelain, wide mouthed, shower gifts for becky (White MATCHING towels and product) from suzanne and Jen respectively, a square cake pan, and cooling racks, and mudd masque pour moi.
Next stop was Jo-ann fabric where gram bought 1 skein of yarn. Then we went to lunch at Ruby Tuesday where I had a chicken caesar salad, correction 1/4 salad because it was too large. I brought the rest home. GG had cream of broccoli soup. We saw Donaldine T. and misc daughters in law and granddaughters who were shopping for a wedding. Kelly T. is getting married next year by the way.
Hmm, then GG went to JCPenney and I went to B. Dalton where I bought Becky two cook books (my own shower gifts) the standard Joy of Cooking (Hardbound) and Silver Palate New Basics. Just what every new bride needs IMHO, and the 911 commission report for the JK's. Why? I have no idea. Then shopped the purse kiosk where I ALMOST purchased and Elvis cigar box purse for 31.45 but thought better of it. It was so damn cute though.
I then went to Suncoast where I purchased Snatch. Back to the kiosk, called Jen for verification on the purse decision. She sent me to JCPenney where I did get a cute cigar box purse for $10. (Two girls drinking martinis, a bit of bling). GG loved it. Let's see then I went out in the mall and waited for GG and a guy sat down and talked to me. He was from Fredericton, he tried to tell me we paid to much in tax (car registration, property), I convinced him that he probably paid about the same (sales, gas) plus he got free health care. He agreed with me, then went on the bitch about the war. We got along famously, I love those Canadians, I wish I'd caught his name. We talked 1/2 hour.
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